[FLASH-BUGS] Am I eligible?

V. Antonuccio van at sunct.ct.astro.it
Tue Apr 17 07:37:54 CDT 2001

Dear Sir/LAdy,

	I would be glad to download FLASH 1.61 or any more recent
	version. My main interest is in simulations of the evolution
	of the intracluster medium, not in anything related to
	thermonuclear explosions. Am I eligible to download 
	a copy? I tried unsuccessfully to do so from your 
	download web page: it does not recognize my telephone number...
	Many thanks in advance for any clarification.
	Best regards,
              Vincenzo ANTONUCCIO-DELOGU                    *
        Astrophysical Observatory - Catania - ITALY         *
        Citta' Universitaria                                *
        Via Santa Sofia 78                                  *
        I-95125 Catania - ITALY                             *
Tlf.: +39-095 7332 318 
Fax: + 39-095-33 05 92                                      *
     e-mails: antonucc at tac.dk,van at sunct.ct.astro.it         *
     WWW: http://sunct.ct.astro.it/van/antonuccio.html      *

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