[FLASH-BUGS] small bug in conductivity

Mike Zingale zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Apr 2 13:12:27 CST 2002

this has already been changed in the most recent development version of
FLASH.  The old version would have worked if any one of the burners was
included in the setup (even if burning was not enabled).


On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, David J. Lin wrote:

> Hi,
> In the current conductivity.F90 for the "stellar" conductivity module
> (/source/materials/conductivity/stellar/), there appears to be a bug which
> is related to the recent switch from FLASH1.6 to FLASH2.0.  Specifically,
> the current routine wants to include "network_common.fh", which is no
> longer used in FLASH2.0.
> I've attached the file with my simple fixes to the problem, calling the 
> multifluid database to fill in the zion and aion variables.  For your 
> convenience, I prefaced with "### NU ADD ###" the lines which I added or 
> changed.
> I'm fairly certain these fixes will do the trick, but if I've made a
> mistake, or if there's an easier or more efficient fix, please let me
> know.
> Thanks.
> David

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