[FLASH-BUGS] multigamma EOS Version: FLASH 2.1.20020605

Alan Calder calder at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Dec 4 10:19:37 CST 2002

Hello again, Markus,

It looks like you did indeed find a bug in the code. Thanks for
the report. The formulae were correct in the eos1d.F90 version,
which is the one that cranks the eos on the data row by row.
But, one of our tests does use the point by point version and
we should have caught that.

I am not sure if the correction made it into the released version, 
but it has been committed to the source repositiory.

Thanks again,


Alan C. Calder
University of Chicago
ASCI Flash Center
5640 South Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL  60637

email: calder at flash.uchicago.edu
phone:  (773) 834-3904
fax:  (773) 834-3230
web: http://flash.uchicago.edu/~calder/

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Markus Gross wrote:

> Hi!
> The multigamma equation of state that came with my version of FLASH 
> (2.1.20020605) seems to have a bug. I only checked pressure, temperature and 
> internal energy so far and found that:
> pressure for input=2 is wrong (I presume)
> ener     for input=3 is wrong (I presume again)
> I attached my "corrected" version to this email.
> I am a bit careful about stating that there may be a mistake because I wonder 
> why it did not crop up earlier during one of your tests - so it may be my 
> fault. Then again you may be more interested in using the Helmoltz eos anyway 
> and therefore may not notice ...
> In my case the riemann solver bailed out - which may be not surprising if 
> there is no thermodynamic correct state to start with...
> Please let me know if I was right or wrong.
> Regards,
> Markus.
> -- 
> _______________________________________________________________
> Markus Gross AMIMechE BEng (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering
> Heriot Watt University Edinburgh
> Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
> Associate member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
> Member of the SPIE
> _______________________________________________________________
> further contact:
> Phone   : +44 (0) 131 449 5111 etx. 4737
> UNiX talk: talk markus at lasersim.mce.hw.ac.uk
> _______________________________________________________________
> "Plans are a place to begin," Grove said. "They rarely deliver
> you to where you expect. Make your plans knowing you are going
> to throw them away."
> _______________________________________________________________
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