[FLASH-BUGS] FPE in 3D mhd setup

Sean Matt matt at physics.mcmaster.ca
Fri Feb 21 12:58:11 CST 2003


	We have been having a few problems getting a new 3D mhd test
problem setup to run.  We am getting a floating point exception (FPE)
crash, as well as bad results (before the crash).  We are running on Tru64
(OSF1 V5.1) using a Compaq fortran compiler (V5.5-1877-48BBF).

	The test is the spin down of a magnetic rotating disk via the
transport of torsional alfven waves along field lines threading the disk.  
Our setup files are attached to this email; please let me know if you have
a problem receiving them.  There is an analytical solution for this
problem (see references listed in Config file), and we think it will be an
excellent test of the FLASH mhd.
	Earlier, we have run the problem using the /hydro module, and with
no B fields.  The initial setup is a dense, rotating cylinder in a cold
ambient medium.  The hydro setup seems to work fine, and as the system
evolves the disk spins apart, as it should (there is nothing keeping it
	Currently, we have switched to the /hydro/mhd module, but 
initialize magx, magy, magz to zero.  When we run, we get a FPE.  The 
error occurs after 13 timesteps, in the current setup.  If we initialize 
magx, magy, magz to 1.0e-10 or to 1.0, the FPE still occurs, though 
usually at a slightly different timestep.
	Using dbx, we've been able to track down the FPE.  It occurs in 
the routine /source/hydro/mhd/mhd_fluxes.F90 (around line 76) at the 

	s = sqrt(Um(idn,i)/Up(idn,i-1))

We found, that at the time of the crash, one of the values of Um and Up
was positive, while the other was negative.  This results in the attempted
calculation of the square root of a negative number, hence the FPE.  Um
and Up are passed in from mhd_sweep.F90 just after being initialized by
the routine mhd_interpolate.  We gather that Um and Up are
"time-interpolated data" at the left and right interfaces of the cell.  
Since the index "idn" refers to the gas density, we're not sure that these
should ever be negative (though we are only just learning about the 8-wave
solver).  We were unable to track the problem further.  This is our first 
major concern.
	Second (this may or may not be related to the above), we have
looked at output data prior to the FPE crash at 13 timesteps.  The data
doesn't look very good (esp. when compared to the hydro results of the
same setup at the same time).  In particular, the density in the cylinder,
which is initially constant, quickly takes on a "mottled" appearance
(meaning that the values seem to fluxuate in space about the correct
value).  The pressure in the cylinder also has the wrong value and is also
mottled.  It is possible that whatever causes the FPE, also causes this
effect.  We really have no idea.  If this is an actual bug, it would be
crucial to fix.
	We would appreciate any insight you may have about these problems.  
Please let us know if you require more information.

-------------- next part --------------
#       Configuration file for the magnetic rotator problem
#	Mouschovias, T. Ch., & Paleologou, E. V. 1980, ApJ, 237, 877
#	Stone, J. M., & Norman, M. L. 1992, ApJS, 80, 791
#	Stone, J. M., Hawley, J. F., Evans, C. R., & Norman, M. L. 1992,
#		ApJ, 388, 415

REQUIRES materials/eos/gamma
REQUIRES hydro/mhd
#REQUIRES hydro/mhd/divb_project
#REQUIRES hydro/

# Add custom variables below

D	rho_disk	Disk density
D	rho_amb		Ambient density
D	B_z		Vertical magnetic field strength
D	z_disk		Half thickness of disk
D	r_disk		Truncation radius of disk
D	omega_disk	Angular rotation rate of disk
D	const_press	Pressure everywhere

D	xctr		Center for the angular momentum calculation
D	yctr		Center for the angular momentum calculation
D	zctr		Center for the angular momentum calculation

PARAMETER rho_disk	REAL	10.0
PARAMETER rho_amb	REAL	1.0
PARAMETER B_z		REAL	0.282095
PARAMETER omega_disk	REAL	1.0
PARAMETER const_press	REAL	0.00006

PARAMETER xctr		REAL    0.0
PARAMETER yctr		REAL    0.0
PARAMETER zctr		REAL    0.0
-------------- next part --------------
#	Runtime parameters for the magnetic rotator problem.

#		Size of computational volume

Nblockx = 1
Nblocky = 1
Nblockz = 1

xmin		= -15.
xmax		= 15.

ymin		= -15.
ymax		= 15.

zmin            = 0.
zmax		= 30.

#		Boundary conditions

xl_boundary_type = "outflow"
xr_boundary_type = "outflow"
yl_boundary_type = "outflow"
yr_boundary_type = "outflow"
zl_boundary_type = "reflecting"
zr_boundary_type = "outflow"

#	        Parameters for initial model

rho_disk	= 10.0
rho_amb		= 1.0
#B_z		= 0.282095
B_z             = 0.0
z_disk		= 1.0
r_disk		= 5.0
omega_disk	= 1.0
const_press	= 0.00006

#		Specific heats ratio

gamma           = 1.6666666667

#               Turn off dual energy formulation.

eint_switch     = 0.0

#	Simulation (grid, time, I/O) parameters

dtini           = 1.e-3
dtmin		= 1.e-3

lrefine_min	= 2
lrefine_max     = 4

restart         = .false.
CPNumber        = 0
basenm          = "MagRot_l5_"
log_file        = "MagRot_l5.log"
run_comment     = "Magnetic Rotator Problem"

plot_var_1      = "dens"
plot_var_2      = "pres"
plot_var_3      = "velx"
plot_var_4      = "vely"
plot_var_5      = "velz"
plot_var_6      = "magx"
plot_var_7      = "magy"
plot_var_8      = "magz"

tplot		= 1.0
trstrt          = 5.0

nrstrt		= 9999999
nend            = 9999999
wall_clock_checkpoint = 9999999

tmax            = 5.0

#	MHD parameters

cfl		= 1.0
killdivb        = .FALSE.
-------------- next part --------------
!  Subroutine:  init_block()
!  Description: Initializes fluid data for a specified block.
!               This version sets up the magnetic rotator MHD problem.
!  References:  Mouschovias, T. Ch., & Paleologou, E. V. 1980, ApJ, 237, 877
!               Stone, J. M., & Norman, M. L. 1992, ApJS, 80, 791
!               Stone, J. M., Hawley, J. F., Evans, C. R., & Norman, M. L. 
!                      1992 , ApJ, 388, 415
!  Parameters:  block_no        The number of the block to initialize
subroutine init_block (block_no)

  use logfile, ONLY: write_logfile
  use physical_constants
  use runtime_parameters, ONLY : get_parm_from_context
  use dBase, ONLY: iu_bnd, ju_bnd, ku_bnd, &
       &                   ndim, & 
       &                   nguard, ionmax, &
       &                   dBaseKeyNumber, dBaseSpecies, & 
       &                   dBaseGetCoords, dBasePutData, &
       &                   dBasePropertyInteger

  implicit none

  integer, INTENT(in) :: block_no

  integer, save :: MyPE, MasterPE
  integer, save :: idens, ipres, iener, igamc, igame
  integer, save :: ivelx, ively, ivelz
  integer, save :: imagx, imagy, imagz

  integer, save :: iPoint
  integer, save :: iXcoord,  iYcoord,  iZcoord
  integer, save :: izn, iznl, iznr

  real, save :: const_PI
  real, save :: gamma
  real, save :: rho_disk, rho_amb, B_z, z_disk, omega_disk, const_press
  real, save :: r_disk

  real :: rho, pres, eng, gamc, game
  real :: vx, vy, vz, bx, by, bz

  integer, parameter ::  q  =  max(iu_bnd,ju_bnd,ku_bnd)

  real,       DIMENSION(q)      :: x, y, z, zL, zR
  real                          :: xx, yy, zz, zzL, zzR, cyl_r, theta

  integer      ::   i, j, k, n

  logical, save::   first_call = .true.



!               Compute direction cosines for the shock normal.

  if (first_call) then

     MyPE = dBasePropertyInteger('MyProcessor')
     MasterPE = dBasePropertyInteger('MasterProcessor')

     call get_constant_from_db("pi", const_PI)

     idens = dBaseKeyNumber('dens')

     ivelx = dBaseKeyNumber('velx')
     ively = dBaseKeyNumber('vely')
     ivelz = dBaseKeyNumber('velz')

     imagx = dBaseKeyNumber('magx')
     imagy = dBaseKeyNumber('magy')
     imagz = dBaseKeyNumber('magz')

     iener = dBaseKeyNumber('ener')
     ipres = dBaseKeyNumber('pres')

     igamc = dBaseKeyNumber('gamc')
     igame = dBaseKeyNumber('game')

     iPoint = dBaseKeyNumber('Point')

     iXcoord  = dBaseKeyNumber('xCoord')
     iYcoord  = dBaseKeyNumber('yCoord')
     iZcoord  = dBaseKeyNumber('zCoord')

     izn      = dBaseKeyNumber('zn' )
!     iznl      = dBaseKeyNumber('znl' )
!     iznr      = dBaseKeyNumber('znr' )

     call get_parm_from_context('rho_disk', rho_disk)
     call get_parm_from_context('rho_amb', rho_amb)
     call get_parm_from_context('B_z', B_z)
     call get_parm_from_context('z_disk', z_disk)
     call get_parm_from_context('r_disk', r_disk)
     call get_parm_from_context('omega_disk', omega_disk)
     call get_parm_from_context('const_press', const_press)

     call get_parm_from_context('gamma', gamma)

! Write a message to stdout describing the problem setup.

     if (MyPE .eq. MasterPE) then

        call write_logfile("flash:  initializing the magnetic rotator problem.")
        write (*,*)
        write (*,*) 'Flash:  initializing the magnetic rotator problem.'
        write (*,*)
        write (*,1) 'rho_disk = ', rho_disk, 'rho_amb = ', rho_amb
        write (*,1) 'B_z = ', B_z, 'z_disk = ', z_disk, & 
             &        'omega_disk = ', omega_disk
        write (*,2) 'gamma = ', gamma, 'ndim = ', ndim
        write (*,*)
1       format (1X, 1P, 5(A7, E13.6, :, 1X))
2       format (1X, 1P, 2(A7, E13.6, 1X), A7, I13)
     first_call = .false.

! Loop through the block and initialize all values.

  x(:) = 0.0
  y(:) = 0.0
  z(:) = 0.0
!  zL(:) = 0.0
!  zR(:) = 0.0

! If simulation is 3D, initialze, with rotation axis along z.

  if (ndim == 3) then

     !***** Get coordinates.  I think this gets the center cell values.

     call dBaseGetCoords(izn,  iXcoord, block_no, x)
     call dBaseGetCoords(izn,  iYcoord, block_no, y)
     call dBaseGetCoords(izn,  iZcoord, block_no, z)
!     call dBaseGetCoords(iznl,  iZcoord, block_no, zL)
!     call dBaseGetCoords(iznr,  iZcoord, block_no, zR)

     !***** Loop through the block.

     do k = 1, ku_bnd
        zz = z(k)
!        zzL= zL(k)
!        zzR= zR(k)
        do j = 1, ju_bnd
           yy = y(j)
           do i = 1, iu_bnd
              xx  = x (i)

              !***** Calculate the cylindrical r and azimuthal angle.

              cyl_r = sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy)

              if (cyl_r > 0.0) then
                 theta = ACOS(xx/cyl_r)
                 if (yy < 0.0) theta = const_PI*2.0 - theta
                 theta = 0.0

              !***** Set initial values.

              game = gamma
              gamc = gamma

              rho  = rho_amb
              pres = const_press

              vx   = 0.0
              vy   = 0.0
              vz   = 0.0

              bx   = 0.0
              by   = 0.0
              bz   = B_z

              !***** Create the rotating disk.

              if ((ABS(zz) < z_disk) .and. (cyl_r < r_disk)) then

                 rho = rho_disk
                 vx  =-omega_disk * cyl_r * SIN(theta)
                 vy  = omega_disk * cyl_r * COS(theta)

!              elseif ((((ABS(zzL) < z_disk) .and. (ABS(zzR) > z_disk)) .or. &
!                   &   ((ABS(zzL) > z_disk) .and. (ABS(zzR) < z_disk))) &
!                   &   .and. (cyl_r < r_disk)) then
!                 rho = 0.25 * rho_disk

              eng = 0.5 * (vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz) + &
                   &      pres / (gamma - 1.0) / rho

              call dBasePutData(idens, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, rho)
              call dBasePutData(ipres, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, pres)
              call dBasePutData(iener, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, eng)

              call dBasePutData(ivelx, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vx )
              call dBasePutData(ively, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vy )
              call dBasePutData(ivelz, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vz )
              call dBasePutData(imagx, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, bx )
              call dBasePutData(imagy, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, by )
              call dBasePutData(imagz, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, bz )

              call dBasePutData(igamc, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, gamc)
              call dBasePutData(igame, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, game)

              do n=1,ionmax
                 call dBasePutData(dBaseSpecies(n),iPoint,i,j,k,block_no, 1.0)


! If simulation is 1D, print error message.

  elseif (ndim < 2) then

     if (MyPE .eq. MasterPE) then
        write(*,*) 'Simulation must have at least 2 dimensions!'

! If simulation is 2D, initialize axisymmetric setup, using x,y as r,z.

  elseif (ndim == 2) then

     if (MyPE .eq. MasterPE) then
        write(*,*) 'Simulation does not work in 2 dimensions!'

     !***** Get coordinates.  I think (hope) this gets the center cell
     !***** values.

     call dBaseGetCoords(izn,  iXcoord, block_no, x)
     call dBaseGetCoords(izn,  iYcoord, block_no, y)

     !***** Loop through the block.

     do k = 1, ku_bnd
        do j = 1, ju_bnd

           yy = y(j)

           do i = 1, iu_bnd

              xx  = x (i)

              !***** Set initial values.

              game = gamma
              gamc = gamma

              rho  = rho_amb
              pres = const_press

              vx   = 0.0
              vy   = 0.0
              vz   = 0.0

              bx   = 0.0
              by   = B_z
              bz   = 0.0

              !***** Create the disk.

              if (yy .lt. z_disk) then

                 rho = rho_disk
                 vz  = omega_disk * xx

              eng = 0.5 * (vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz) + &
                   &      pres / (gamma - 1.0) / rho

              call dBasePutData(idens, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, rho)
              call dBasePutData(ipres, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, pres)
              call dBasePutData(iener, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, eng)

              call dBasePutData(ivelx, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vx )
              call dBasePutData(ively, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vy )
              call dBasePutData(ivelz, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, vz )
              call dBasePutData(imagx, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, bx )
              call dBasePutData(imagy, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, by )
              call dBasePutData(imagz, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, bz )

              call dBasePutData(igamc, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, gamc)
              call dBasePutData(igame, iPoint, i, j, k, block_no, game)

              do n=1,ionmax
                 call dBasePutData(dBaseSpecies(n),iPoint,i,j,k,block_no, 1.0)


     if (MyPE .eq. MasterPE) then
        write(*,*) 'Simulations must have 1, 2, or 3 dimensions!'



end subroutine init_block
-------------- next part --------------
!!****f* source/io/wr_integrals
!!  NAME
!!    wr_integrals
!!    call wr_integrals(isfirst, simtime)
!!    call wr_integrals(integer, real)
!!     Compute the values of integral quantities (eg. total energy)
!!     and write them to an ASCII file.  If this is the initial step,
!!     create the file and write a header to it before writing the
!!     data.
!!     Presently, this supports 1, 2, and 3-d Cartesian geometry and 2-d
!!     cylindrical geometry (r,z).  More geometries can be added by modifying
!!     the volume of each zone (dvol) computed in SumLocalIntegrals.

      subroutine wr_integrals (isfirst, simtime)


      use dBase, ONLY :  & 
     &     nxb, nyb, nzb, ndim, & 
     &     nguard, k2d, k3d,  & 
     &     dBasePropertyInteger, dBaseLocalBlockCount, dBaseNodeType

      use runtime_parameters, ONLY: get_parm_from_context,  & 
     &                              global_parm_context

      implicit none

#include "mpif.h"

      integer :: isfirst
      integer, parameter ::  nsum = 11 ! Number of summed quantities;
                                       ! coordinate w/SumLocalIntegrals
      real :: simtime, sum(nsum), lsum(nsum)
      integer :: i, j
      integer :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax

      integer :: funit = 99
      integer :: error

      character (len=80) :: fname = "flash.dat"

      integer :: lnblocks

      integer :: nodetype

      logical, save :: restart
! store the master and current processor numbers
      integer, save :: MyPE, MasterPE

      logical, save :: firstCall = .TRUE.


      if (firstCall) then

! get the processor information
         MyPE = dBasePropertyInteger("MyProcessor")
         MasterPE = dBasePropertyInteger("MasterProcessor")
! get the runtime parameters
         call get_parm_from_context(global_parm_context,  & 
     &        'restart', restart)
         firstCall = .FALSE.


! get the number of blocks on this processor
      lnblocks = dbaseLocalBlockCount()

! Sum quantities over all locally held leaf-node blocks.
      sum  = 0.
      lsum = 0.

      imin = nguard + 1         ! Determine index ranges of
      imax = imin + nxb - 1     ! cells in each block.
      jmin = nguard*k2d + 1
      jmax = jmin + nyb - 1
      kmin = nguard*k3d + 1
      kmax = kmin + nzb - 1

      do i = 1, lnblocks

         nodetype = dBaseNodeType(i)

         if (nodetype == 1) then
            call SumLocalIntegrals (lsum, i, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, & 
     &           kmin, kmax)



!            Now the master PE sums the local contributions from all of
!            the processors and writes the total to a file.

      call MPI_Reduce (lsum, sum, nsum, MPI_Double_Precision, MPI_Sum, & 
     &                 MasterPE, MPI_Comm_World, error)

      if (MyPE == MasterPE) then

! create the file from scratch if it is a not a restart simulation, 
! otherwise append to the end of the file
         if (isfirst == 0) then
            open (funit, file=fname, position='APPEND')
            if (.NOT. restart) then
               open (funit, file=fname) 
               call WriteIntHeader (funit)
               open (funit, file=fname, position='APPEND')
               write (funit, 11) 
 11            format('# simulation restarted')

         write (funit, 10) simtime, sum      ! Write the sums to the file.
 10      format (1X, 1P, 50(E25.18, :, 1X))

         close (funit)          ! Close the file.

      call MPI_Barrier (MPI_Comm_World, error)




!  Routine: SumLocalIntegrals()

!  Description: Accumulate values of the energy, angular momentum, etc. from 
!               a given range of cells in a given block.  The results are
!               stored in a given vector (lsum), which is assumed to have been
!               initialized by the calling routine.

      subroutine SumLocalIntegrals (lsum, block_no, imin, imax, jmin, & 
     &                              jmax, kmin, kmax)


      use physical_constants, ONLY: get_constant_from_db

      use runtime_parameters, ONLY: get_parm_from_context,  & 
     &                              GLOBAL_PARM_CONTEXT

      use dBase, ONLY: nxb, nyb, nzb, mdim, ndim, nguard, k2d, k3d, & 
     &     geom_cartesian, geom_cylrad,  & 
     &     dBaseBlockSize,  & 
     &     dBaseBlockCoord, &
     &     dBaseGetCoords,  & 
     &     dBaseKeyNumber,  & 
     &     dBaseGetDataPtrSingleBlock

      implicit none

      integer :: block_no
      integer :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax, kmin, kmax

      real :: lsum(*)

      integer, save :: idens, ivelx, ively, ivelz, ipres, iener, & 
     &                 igame, igpot

      integer, save :: igeomx, igeomy, igeomz

      integer, save :: iXcoord

      integer, save :: iznl, iznr

      integer, parameter :: q = max(nxb+2*nguard, & 
     &                              nyb+2*nguard*k2d, & 
     &                              nzb+2*nguard*k3d)

      real, dimension(q) :: xl, xr

      real :: size(mdim), coord(mdim)

      integer :: i, j, k

      real :: dvol, delx, dely, delz
      real :: xdist, ydist, zdist

      real, save :: pi
      real, save :: xctr, yctr, zctr

      real, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), POINTER :: solnData

      logical, save :: firstCall = .TRUE.


      if (firstCall) then

         idens = dBaseKeyNumber('dens')

         ivelx = dBaseKeyNumber('velx')
         ively = dBaseKeyNumber('vely')
         ivelz = dBaseKeyNumber('velz')

         ipres = dBaseKeyNumber('pres')
         iener = dBaseKeyNumber('ener')

         igame = dBaseKeyNumber('game')
         igpot = dBaseKeyNumber('gpot')

         iXcoord  = dBaseKeyNumber('xCoord')

         iznl     = dBaseKeyNumber('znl')
         iznr     = dBaseKeyNumber('znr')

! get the center coordinates 
! should be improved by computing the center of mass system (cms)
           call get_parm_from_context("xctr", xctr)
           call get_parm_from_context("yctr", yctr)
           call get_parm_from_context("zctr", zctr)

! get the geometry information for the computation domain
         call get_parm_from_context(GLOBAL_PARM_CONTEXT,  & 
     &        'igeomx', igeomx)

         call get_parm_from_context(GLOBAL_PARM_CONTEXT,  & 
     &        'igeomy', igeomy)

         call get_parm_from_context(GLOBAL_PARM_CONTEXT,  & 
     &        'igeomz', igeomz)

! grab the necessary physical constants
         call get_constant_from_db("pi", pi)

         firstCall = .FALSE.

! Hydro variables must be defined, else we exit without adding to local sums.

      if ((idens < 0) .or. & 
     &    (ipres < 0) .or. & 
     &    (ivelx < 0) .or. & 
     &    (ively < 0) .or. & 
     &    (ivelz < 0) .or. & 
     &    (iener < 0) .or. & 
     &    (igame < 0)) & 
     &  return

! get the size of the current block, and compute the size and volume of a 
! cell
! deal with the different geometries here.
      size(:)  = dBaseBlockSize(block_no)
      coord(:) = dBaseBlockCoord(block_no)

      delx = size(1) / real(nxb)
      dely = size(2) / real(nyb)
      delz = size(3) / real(nzb)

      call dBaseGetCoords(iznl, iXcoord, block_no, xl)

! get a pointer to the current block of data
      solnData => dBaseGetDataPtrSingleBlock(block_no)

! Cartesian geometries
! for Cartesian geometries, the volume of a cell is constant within a block,
! so we can compute it outside of the loops over all the zones in a block
      if (igeomx == 0 .AND. igeomy == 0 .AND. igeomz == 0) then

         dvol = delx
         if (ndim >= 2) dvol = dvol * dely
         if (ndim == 3) dvol = dvol * delz

! Sum contributions from the indicated range of cells.
         do k = kmin, kmax
            zdist = (coord(3) - zctr) + real(k - 1 - kmax/2)*delz
            do j = jmin, jmax
               ydist = (coord(2) - yctr) + real(j - 1 - jmax/2)*dely
               do i = imin, imax
                  xdist = (coord(1) - xctr) + real(i - 1 - imax/2)*delx
! mass   
                  lsum(1) = lsum(1) + solnData(idens,i,j,k)*dvol 

! momentum
                  lsum(2) = lsum(2) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ivelx,i,j,k)*dvol 

                  lsum(3) = lsum(3) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ively,i,j,k)*dvol

                  lsum(4) = lsum(4) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ivelz,i,j,k)*dvol

! total energy
                  lsum(5) = lsum(5) + solnData(iener,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(idens,i,j,k)*dvol 

! kinetic energy
                  lsum(6) = lsum(6) + 0.5*solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                             (solnData(ivelx,i,j,k)**2+ & 
     &                              solnData(ively,i,j,k)**2+ & 
     &                              solnData(ivelz,i,j,k)**2)*dvol

! internal energy
                  lsum(7) = lsum(7) + solnData(ipres,i,j,k) / & 
     &                                (solnData(igame,i,j,k)-1.)*dvol

! potential energy
                  if (igpot >= 0) & 
     &                 lsum(8) = lsum(8) + 0.5*solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                  solnData(igpot,i,j,k)*dvol

! x-angular momentum
                  lsum(9) = lsum(9) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) &
     &                        * dvol * ( ydist * solnData(ivelz,i,j,k) &
     &                                 - zdist * solnData(ively,i,j,k) )

! y-angular momentum
                  lsum(10) = lsum(10) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) &
     &                        * dvol * ( zdist * solnData(ivelx,i,j,k) &
     &                                 - xdist * solnData(ivelz,i,j,k) )

! z-angular momentum
                  lsum(11) = lsum(11) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) &
    &                         * dvol * ( xdist * solnData(ively,i,j,k) &
                                       - ydist * solnData(ivelx,i,j,k) )


! 2-d cylindrical geometry
      elseif (igeomx == geom_cylrad .AND.  & 
     &        igeomy == geom_cartesian .AND.  & 
     &        ndim == 2) then

         xl(:) = 0.0
         xr(:) = 0.0

         call dBaseGetCoords(iznl, iXcoord, block_no, xl)
         call dBaseGetCoords(iznr, iXcoord, block_no, xr)

! Sum contributions from the indicated range of cells.
         do k = kmin, kmax
            do j = jmin, jmax
               do i = imin, imax
! now the volume factor is changing from zone to zone within the block,
! so we need to compute it for each zone separately
! the volume here is annular
                  dvol = 2.0*pi*(xr(i)**2 - xl(i)**2)*dely

! mass   
                  lsum(1) = lsum(1) + solnData(idens,i,j,k)*dvol 

! momentum
                  lsum(2) = lsum(2) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ivelx,i,j,k)*dvol 

                  lsum(3) = lsum(3) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ively,i,j,k)*dvol

                  lsum(4) = lsum(4) + solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(ivelz,i,j,k)*dvol

! total energy
                  lsum(5) = lsum(5) + solnData(iener,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                solnData(idens,i,j,k)*dvol 

! kinetic energy
                  lsum(6) = lsum(6) + 0.5*solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                             (solnData(ivelx,i,j,k)**2+ & 
     &                              solnData(ively,i,j,k)**2+ & 
     &                              solnData(ivelz,i,j,k)**2)*dvol

! internal energy
                  lsum(7) = lsum(7) + solnData(ipres,i,j,k) / & 
     &                                (solnData(igame,i,j,k)-1.)*dvol

! potential energy
                  if (igpot >= 0) & 
     &                 lsum(8) = lsum(8) + 0.5*solnData(idens,i,j,k) * & 
     &                                  solnData(igpot,i,j,k)*dvol

!               lsum(9) = lsum(9) + 0. ! <---- NEED ANGULAR MOMENTUM

!               lsum(10) = lsum(10) + 0. ! <---- NEED ANGULAR MOMENTUM

!               lsum(11) = lsum(11) + 0. ! <---- NEED ANGULAR MOMENTUM


! the geometry is not supported.  We should report this to the .dat file,
! but for now, just return



!  Routine: WriteIntHeader()
!  Description: Writes header information to the integral output file.  Should
!               coordinate the labels used here with the values computed in
!               SumLocalIntegrals().

      subroutine WriteIntHeader (funit)


      integer :: funit


      write (funit, 10) '#time                    ', 'mass', 'x-momentum', &
     &     'y-momentum', & 
     &     'z-momentum', 'energy', 'kinetic', 'internal', & 
     &     'potential', 'x-angular momentum', & 
     &     'y-angular momentum', 'z-angular momentum'
 10   format (50(A25, :, 1X))



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