[FLASH-BUGS] setup internal error in FLASH2.3

Katherine M Riley kmriley at zingiber.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 10 14:24:33 CDT 2003

Wow. You made no mistake, I made the mistake.  

The problem is that I accidentally stripped out the gd library needed
for the visualization tool in FLASH2.3.  I should have caught that,
and, I did not.  

My apoligies for the problem.  I will fix it immediately, and have a
new two new tar files posted.  One will be a complete fixed flash, and
the other will be a small tar just with the gd library to save
download time.

Thanks for asking and therefore pointing out something that had been
totally overlooked.


Luigi Iapichino writes:
>I'm trying to configure FLASH2.3 for my problem. With the version 2.1 I didn't
> have problems; now I receive the following output when I run the setup script
>. Am I doing some mistake, or what? Looking forward to your suggestions,
>  Luigi
>Luigi Iapichino
>Max Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik
>Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1
>D-85741, Garching bei Muenchen, Germany
>phone: (49) -89 300002231 fax:(49) -89 300002235
>e-mail: iapichin at mpa-garching.mpg.de
>./setup supernova -auto -1d -site=spa.rzg.mpg.de
>checking for needed files and directories
>    checking sites Aliases file
>    using site directory for site spa.rzg.mpg.de
>generating default Modules file
>    renaming original to Modules.bak
>removing old links in build directory object
>scanning /afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/l/lui/FLASH2.3/Modules file for include
>    database/amr/paramesh2.0
>    driver/time_dep
>    gravity/static
>    hydro/explicit/split/ppm/diffuse
>    io/amr/hdf4
>    materials/composition/aprox13
>    materials/conductivity/stellar
>    materials/eos/helmholtz
>    materials/mass_diffusivity/constant
>    materials/viscosity/constant
>    mesh/amr/paramesh2.0/second_order_old
>    solvers/linalg/ma28
>    source_terms/burn/aprox13
>    util/initialization/hse
>    util/interp/polynomial
>    util/tools
>    util/wrapping
>    visualization/native
>checking for default sub-modules in included modules
>checking that no mutually exclusive sub-modules are included together
>looking for paths of non-included modules
>checking requirements
>number of volume scalars not specified, using default NUMVOLSCALARS 0
>number of guard cells not specified, using default GUARDCELLS 4
>creating Makefiles for all modules
>generating buildstamp generator
>copying release accessor function Makefile
>copying buildstats accessor function Makefile
>copying flashModules accessor function Makefile
>generating Makefile
>A setup internal error has occured, if possible please email the following
>debugging info to flash-bugs at flash.uchicago.edu
>Arguments: ['./setup.py', 'supernova', '-auto', '-1d', '-site=spa.rzg.mpg.de']
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "./setup.py", line 1619, in ?
>  File "./setup.py", line 1602, in main
>  File "./setup.py", line 250, in generateMakefile
>  File "./setup.py", line 1168, in setRedirectFlags
>  File "./setup.py", line 1091, in getInternalLib
>OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/afs/ipp-garching.mpg.de/home/l

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