[FLASH-BUGS] hydro

Mike Zingale zingale at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Jun 10 17:33:17 CDT 2003

Markus, I for one am using a non-uniform grid with a version of FLASH
(logarithmically spaced AMR grid), for which 1.6 is the right equation.  
You are right, for the vast majority of people, 1.9 ia right, but 1.6 is
more general.

The PPM module in FLASH evolved from Prometheus, which often used a
non-uniform spacing.  We have thought about making a completely uniform
version of it at one point, but I think we wanted to retain the generality
in it.


Michael Zingale
UCO/Lick Observatory
Santa Cruz, CA 95064

phone:  (831) 459-5246 
fax:    (831) 459-5265
e-mail: zingale at ucolick.org
web:    http://www.ucolick.org/~zingale

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   -- Reverend Lovejoy

On Tue, 10 Jun 2003, Markus Gross wrote:

> Hi again!
> don't want to get on your nerves, but I thought I'd ask.
> Is there any particular reasoning why to use Colella & Woodward Eqn.1.6,1.8 
> instead of 1.9? I presume a large proportion of flash users use carth. meshes 
> with constant grid spacing and when you are using 1.8 instead of 1.7 anyway, 
> I wonder what the reason for using the computational more expensive one is. 
> The interpolation in guardcells is done by paramesh, isn't it?
> But it's late here allready so I may be missing the point ...
> Looking forward to hearing from you!
> Markus.
> -- 
> _______________________________________________________________
> Markus Gross AMIMechE BEng (Hons.) Mechanical Engineering
> Heriot Watt University Edinburgh
> School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
> James Nasmyth Building
> Edinburgh
> EH14 4AS
> UK
> Member of  IMechE, SPIE, CSME and VDI
> _______________________________________________________________
> further contact:
> Phone   : +44 (0) 131 451 4737
> UNiX talk: talk markus at lasersim.mce.hw.ac.uk
> _______________________________________________________________
> "Plans are a place to begin," Grove said. "They rarely deliver
> you to where you expect. Make your plans knowing you are going
> to throw them away."
> _______________________________________________________________

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