Paul Ricker pmricker at uiuc.edu
Thu May 8 00:49:09 CDT 2003


I believe I've fixed this problem.  The MPI_ISENDs in the routine
move_block() in the file amr_redist_blk.F90 were not appropriately
completed via an MPI_WAITALL or similar call.  I've modified the
file to keep track of send requests and to issue an MPI_WAITALL at
the end of amr_redist_blk() (as was done already with the non-blocking
receives posted in that routine).  I've tested it under 2.2, and it
appears to work (I had a student who encountered the bug a few days
ago, so I was able to reproduce the problem and verify the fix).
The updated file is attached, and I have committed the changes to
2.3 (the file had not changed since 2.2).

Incidentally, I also checked the other AMR routines to see if there
are any similar problems elsewhere.  I counted the calls to
non-blocking receives and sends, waitalls, waitanys, testalls, and
testanys.  There were no test calls.  Since each send/receive
creates a request that has to be waited on, one would expect the
code to be structured so that there are as many wait calls as
sends+receives.  The results are below.

routine                     isend  irecv  waitall waitany  #posts #waits
amr_bsort                      0     1       1       0        1       1
amr_derefine_blocks            0     8       8       0        8       8
amr_flux_conserve_udt          0     3       1       0        3       1*
  OK - all irecvs use same request array
amr_guardcell_cc_c_to_f        0     4       4       0        4       4
amr_guardcell_cc_srl           0     2       2       0        2       2
amr_morton                     0    10       8       0       10       8*
  OK - all irecvs use same request array
amr_prolong_cc                 0     5       5       0        5       5
amr_redist_blk                 1     1       1       0        2       1*
  BAD - isend matched by iprobe & recv, no wait/test
amr_refine_blocks              0     6       6       0        6       6
amr_refine_derefine            0     2       2       0        2       2
amr_restrict_bnd_data          0     3       1       0        3       1*
  OK - all irecvs use same request array
amr_restrict_cc                0     2       2       0        2       2
batchsend                      0     1       0       1        1       1
batchsend_dbl                  0     1       0       1        1       1
ref_marking                    1     1       2       0        2       2

Only four routines (*) had more sends+receives than waits, and on closer
inspection, three of the routines used the same request array in the
MPI_IRECV calls, so the discrepancy wasn't a problem on its face.
(There could still be problems with the number of times each is called,
e.g. in a loop; I didn't check for that.)  amr_redist_blk was the only
file in which there was a discrepancy that couldn't be explained by
re-use of the same request array.

Let me know if this doesn't fix your problem.

Best regards,
Paul Ricker

Paul M. Ricker                                Department of Astronomy
Assistant Professor   National Center for Supercomputing Applications
pmricker at uiuc.edu          University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
http://www.astro.uiuc.edu/~pmricker              Urbana IL 61801-3074

On Thu, 2003-04-17 at 14:18, Markus Gross wrote:
> Hi!
> I belive I have just encountered a bug in at least one FLASH routine.
> Our System: 
> SGI origin IRIX64 6.5 07091542 IP35
> MPI (MPT 1.4) -mpi Version 1266208220
> MIPSpro Compilers: Version 7.4
> Problem:
> 3-D hydro starting with 5x5x3 blocks, maxref = 3
> we get a:
> *** MPI has run out of request entries.
> *** The current allocation level is:
> ***     MPI_REQUEST_MAX = 16384
> IOT Trap
> MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated without calling MPI_Finalize()
> MPI: aborting job
> when:
>  [04-17-2003  18:48.39] <<< refined: tot_blocks =    2723 >>>
>  [04-17-2003  18:48.59] *** plot file:  gas_pre_hdf_plt_cnt_0009
>  [04-17-2003  18:49.08] *** wrote to gas_pre_hdf_plt_cnt_0009
>  [04-17-2003  18:49.41] step      91  t=  2.664610E-06  dt= 1.431909E-08
>  [04-17-2003  18:50.12] step      92  t=  2.693248E-06  dt= 1.426362E-08
> MPI_REQUEST_MAX = 16384 is a hard limit on our machine and can only be 
> decreased using the enivronment variable.
> I tracked that down to at least one non-blocking send to a blocking receive 
> where the send reqest was not freed. This happens at least is:
> line 241 AMR_redist_blk.F90 FLASH 2.2 & 2.1
> according to the MPI standard that should be fixed by having a MPI_WAIT 
> following the non-blocking send immediately. 
> I attached a test program to this email which illustrates this point (at 
> least on our system). Version as supplied should fails, if you uncomment the 
> MPI_wait it should run until forever.
> Please let me know what you think about this and if I am right, if there are 
> more if these problems in the code (I presume you would know from the top of 
> your head). I try to get through it tonight, but Flash is a little bit 
> bigger, so help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Markus.

-------------- next part --------------
      subroutine amr_redist_blk(new_loc,nprocs,mype,lnblocks_old)

! $RCSfile: amr_redist_blk.F90,v $
! $Revision: $
! $Date: 2002/11/27 20:00:50 $

use physicaldata
      use tree
      implicit none
      include 'mpif.h'

      integer istart,jstart,kstart,iend,jend,kend
      parameter(istart = nguard)
      parameter(jstart = nguard*k2d+1-k2d)
      parameter(kstart = nguard*k3d+1-k3d)
      parameter(iend   = nguard+nxb+1)
      parameter(jend   = nguard*k2d+nyb+k2d)
      parameter(kend   = nguard*k3d+nzb+k3d)

      integer :: new_loc(2,maxblocks_tr), old_loc(2,maxblocks_tr)
      integer :: nprocs,mype,lnblocks_old

      integer :: nrecv, nsend, lb,errorcode,ierr
      logical :: free(maxblocks), moved(maxblocks), sent(maxblocks)
      logical :: repeat, repeatt
      integer :: reqr(maxblocks_tr), reqs(maxblocks_tr)
      integer :: statr(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,maxblocks_tr)
      integer :: stats(MPI_STATUS_SIZE,maxblocks_tr)
      integer :: nmoved, nit
      integer :: test(maxblocks), point_to(maxblocks)
      integer :: nm, nm2, nm2_old
      integer :: myblockint, block_int2d, block_int3d

      call MPI_TYPE_VECTOR (nyb*k2d+k2d+1, & 
     &                      nvar*(nxb+2), & 
     &                      nvar*iu_bnd, & 
     &                      MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, & 
     &                      block_int2d, & 
     &                      ierr)
      myblockint = block_int2d
      if (ndim.eq.3) then
         call MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR (nzb+2, & 
     &                          1, & 
     &                          nvar*iu_bnd*ju_bnd*8, & 
     &                          block_int2d, & 
     &                          block_int3d, & 
     &                          ierr)
         myblockint = block_int3d
      end if
      if (ndim.eq.3) call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(block_int2d,ierr)
      call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(myblockint,ierr)

! 1) compute old_loc
      call fill_old_loc (new_loc,old_loc,nprocs,mype)

! treat unk

      if(nvar.gt.0) then

! Post all receives
         nrecv = 0
         do lb = 1,new_lnblocks
            if (.not.newchild(lb)) then
               if (old_loc(2,lb).ne.mype) then
                  nrecv = nrecv + 1
                  call MPI_IRECV (unk(1,istart,jstart,kstart,lb), & 
     &                 1, & 
     &                 myblockint, & 
     &                 old_loc(2,lb), & 
     &                 lb, & 
     &                 MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &                 reqr(nrecv), & 
     &                 ierr)
               end if
            end if
         end do
         moved(:) = .false.
         moved(lnblocks_old+1:maxblocks) = .true.
         free(:) = .false.
         free(lnblocks_old+1:maxblocks) = .true.
         sent(:) = .false.
         repeat = .TRUE.
         nmoved = 0
         test(:) = 0
         point_to(:) = 0
         nsend = 0

         nit = 0
         nm2 = 0
         nm2_old = 1
         do while (repeat.and.nm2.ne.nm2_old) 

            do lb = 1, max(lnblocks_old,new_lnblocks)
               call move_block(lb, new_loc, old_loc, free, moved, sent, & 
     &                         lnblocks_old, mype, nmoved,  & 
     &                         test, point_to, myblockint, reqs, nsend)

            repeat = any(.not.moved(:))
            call MPI_ALLREDUCE (repeat,repeatt,1,MPI_LOGICAL, & 
     &           MPI_LOR,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
            repeat = repeatt

            nm2_old = nm2
            nm = count(.not.moved(:))
            call MPI_ALLREDUCE (nm,nm2,1,MPI_INTEGER, & 
     &           MPI_SUM,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)
            if (mype.eq.0) then
               print *,' interation, no. not moved = ',nit,nm2
            end if

            nit = nit + 1

         end do

         if (nm2_old.eq.nm2.and.nm2.ne.0) then
            if (mype.eq.0) then
        print *,' ERROR: could not move all blocks in amr_redist_blk '
            print *,' Try increasing maxblocks or use more processors '
            print *,' nm2_old, nm2 = ',nm2_old,nm2
            print *,' ABORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
            end if
            call abort_flash("Error: could not move all blocks in amr_redist_blk")
         end if

         if (nrecv.gt.0) then
            call MPI_WAITALL(nrecv,reqr,statr,ierr)
         end if

         if (nsend.gt.0) then
            call MPI_WAITALL(nsend,reqs,stats,ierr)
         end if

      end if

      call MPI_TYPE_FREE(myblockint,ierr)
      if (ndim.eq.3) call MPI_TYPE_FREE(block_int2d,ierr)

      end subroutine amr_redist_blk

      recursive subroutine move_block (lb, new_loc, old_loc, free, & 
     &                                 moved, sent,  & 
     &                                 lnblocks_old, mype, nmoved, & 
     &                                 test, point_to, myblockint, &
                                       reqs, nsend)
use physicaldata
      use tree
      implicit none
      include 'mpif.h'

      integer istart,jstart,kstart,iend,jend,kend
      parameter(istart = nguard)
      parameter(jstart = nguard*k2d+1-k2d)
      parameter(kstart = nguard*k3d+1-k3d)
      parameter(iend   = nguard+nxb+1)
      parameter(jend   = nguard*k2d+nyb+k2d)
      parameter(kend   = nguard*k3d+nzb+k3d)

      integer :: new_loc(2,maxblocks_tr), old_loc(2,maxblocks_tr)
      logical :: free(maxblocks), moved(maxblocks), sent(maxblocks)
      integer :: reqs(maxblocks_tr), nsend
      integer :: lb, lnblocks_old, mype
      logical :: success 
      integer :: status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE)
      integer :: reqr, ierr, nmoved, lb2
      integer :: point_to(maxblocks),test(maxblocks)
      integer :: myblockint

      if (new_loc(1,lb).eq.lb.and.new_loc(2,lb).eq.mype) then
         if (.not.moved(lb)) moved(lb) = .true.
      end if

      if (lb.le.max(lnblocks_old,new_lnblocks)) then

         if (lb.le.lnblocks_old) then
           if (new_loc(2,lb).ne.mype) then
            success = .false.
            call MPI_IPROBE (new_loc(2,lb), & 
     &                       maxblocks+new_loc(1,lb), & 
     &                       MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &                       success, & 
     &                       status, & 
     &                       ierr)
            if (.not.moved(lb).and.success) then
               call MPI_RECV (success, & 
     &              1, & 
     &              MPI_LOGICAL, & 
     &              new_loc(2,lb), & 
     &              maxblocks+new_loc(1,lb), & 
     &              MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &              status, & 
     &              ierr)
               if (free(lb)) then
                call MPI_SSEND ( & 
     &              unk(1,istart,jstart,kstart,point_to(lb)), & 
     &              1, & 
     &              myblockint, & 
     &              new_loc(2,lb), & 
     &              new_loc(1,lb), & 
     &              MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &              ierr)
                test(point_to(lb)) = -1
                call MPI_SSEND ( & 
     &              unk(1,istart,jstart,kstart,lb), & 
     &              1, & 
     &              myblockint, & 
     &              new_loc(2,lb), & 
     &              new_loc(1,lb), & 
     &              MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &              ierr)
                free(lb) = .true.
               end if
               moved(lb) = .true.
            end if
            if (.not.moved(lb).and.free(new_loc(1,lb))) then
            if (free(lb)) then
             unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,new_loc(1,lb)) =  & 
     &          unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,point_to(lb))
             test(point_to(lb)) = -1
             unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,new_loc(1,lb)) =  & 
     &          unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,lb)
             free(lb) = .true.
            end if
            moved(lb) = .true.
            end if
           end if
         end if

         if (lb.le.new_lnblocks) then
            if (free(lb).and..not.sent(lb)) then
               sent(lb) = .true.
               if (.not.newchild(lb)) then
                  if (old_loc(2,lb).ne.mype) then
                     nsend = nsend + 1
                     call MPI_ISEND (free(lb), & 
     &                    1, & 
     &                    MPI_LOGICAL, & 
     &                    old_loc(2,lb), & 
     &                    maxblocks+lb, & 
     &                    MPI_COMM_WORLD, & 
     &                    reqs(nsend), & 
     &                    ierr)
                  end if
               end if
            end if
         end if

         if (lb.le.lnblocks_old.and..not.free(lb)) then
            nmoved = nmoved + 1
            point_to(lb) = max(lnblocks_old,new_lnblocks)+nmoved
            if (point_to(lb).gt.maxblocks) then
               do lb2 = max(lnblocks_old,new_lnblocks)+1,maxblocks
                  if (test(lb2).eq.-1) then
                     point_to(lb) = lb2
                     go to 22
                  end if
               end do
            end if
 22         if (point_to(lb).le.maxblocks) then
               test(point_to(lb)) = 1
            unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,point_to(lb)) =  & 
     &         unk(:,istart:iend,jstart:jend,kstart:kend,lb)
               free(lb) = .TRUE.
            end if
         end if

      end if

      end subroutine move_block

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