[FLASH-BUGS] loaddata

Leonid Malyshkin leonmal at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue May 27 13:10:32 CDT 2003


Could you please answer my question on IDL procedure LOADDATA.

When I load flash data on cube by:
	data_file='/scratch3/leonmal/FLASH/RUN_ROSETTA/' $
        	  +'lundquist=1678_levels=10_points=8_test/' $
	help, dens
IDL prints:
	DENS            FLOAT     = Array[448, 448]

This is very strange. I have nblockx = nblocky = 1, so all loaded arrays
must have dimensions equal to powers of 2. Is this a bug, or do I not 
understand something?

Thank you very much,

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