[FLASH-BUGS] Bug in quadratic_cartesian interpolation scheme?

Tomasz Plewa tomek at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Nov 5 13:48:22 CST 2003

On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 01:36:10PM -0600, Mike Zingale wrote:
> yes, I added the fixed to the cylindrical and spherical prolongation
> routines that I wrote -- I did not get around to the cartesian ones yet,
> mainly because that would break a lot of the test suite, and I didn't want
> to deal with that at the time.

The two non-cartesian versions required additional modifications. But
the new cartesian version uses quite different interpolation method
and I did not want to spend time on analyzing it.  Breaking the test
suite is not worrisome - this can be looked into - but making
interpolants monotone requires using different interpolation technique
and more time. Hope Robi's case is something simpler.


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