[FLASH-BUGS] runtime error "too many opened files"

Peter Woitke woitke at strw.leidenuniv.nl
Wed Apr 14 06:13:22 CDT 2004

Dear developers,

when I use flash2.3 with intel fortran 8.0 compiler for long runs, which
write more than ~1000 output files, I always encounter the following
runtime error:

  interation, no. not moved =            0        1139
  interation, no. not moved =            1           0
  tot_blocks after         4420
  max_blocks 2        4420
  min_blocks 2        4420
  CALLING get_tree
    9214 1.0220E+09 7.3190E+04 |  7.319E+04
 open_logfile:  error while opening log file; io_status =           30
 *** Wrote output to AGB_hdf5_plt_cnt_1020 ***
 open_logfile:  error while opening log file; io_status =           30
 open_logfile:  error while opening log file; io_status =           30
    9215 1.0222E+09 7.3244E+04 |  7.324E+04

and the program aborts. The error occurs in open_logfile. io_stus=30
means "too many opened files", which I don't understand. Is it possible
that some of the various output files are not properly closed after
output, i.e. re-opened very often?

Thank's for your help

Peter Woitke

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