[FLASH-BUGS] spherical symmetry II

JB Gallagher jbgallag at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 24 13:13:55 CST 2004

Dear developers,

as I wrote in my email from 5. Februar, I think there is a bug in FLASH2.3
concerning the use of 1d spherical coordinates (spherical symmetry).

>> ./setup sedov_sph -1d -auto
>> make

produces code which crashes in
There is a loop around line number 440, starting with

>> do j = 1, 2*nguard+nyb

the variables ypl,ypr,yp,dyp are changed here with index j = 1 to 9.
However, they are defined as scalars for ndim=1. As consequence, myGeom is
overwritten (set to CARTESIAN) which leads to an abort.

Can you reproduce this error? The same error occurs in my application of
flash, so it is an urgent problem for me.

Please help,


Brad Gallagher
ASCI Flash Center
jbgallag at flash.uchicago.edu

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