[FLASH-BUGS] How to define mass scalars in FLASH 2.4?

Tomasz Plewa tomek at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 8 11:49:42 CDT 2004

Peter -

On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 01:24:57PM +0200, Peter Woitke wrote:
> FLASH 2.3 are no longer supported in 2.4).  After defining the number of
> mass scalars in Config by e.g.
> I need to specify the names of these quantities, don't I?
> (Otherwise I don't know how to get an output of these variables
> in the plotfiles)
> - How can I do this?



Mass scalars are named "ms_1", "ms_2", ..., "ms_9".

Apparently one cannot have more than 9 unless that (local) convention
is modified by user.

> Further questions:
> - How can I avoid/circumvent the 0<=\phi_i<=1 condition? What is
>   the CMA-flag in hydro_1d?

CMA takes care about mass fractions; mass scalars are treated independent
of each other and are not subject to limiting. You may want to extend
or modify CMA parts if you need this additional functionality.

> - How are these variables "prolonged"? Are they part of the 1...nvar
>   variables in the unk-vector? Can I use a CONSERVED treatment in
>   amr_prolong_gen_unk_fun.F90?

Mass scalars are evolved by solving advection equation in the conservation
form. So these are conserved and convervative prolongation should preserve
that property.

Hope this helps.

Wed, 11:49 CDT (16:49 GMT), Sep-08-2004

   Tomasz Plewa                                      www:   flash.uchicago.edu
   Computational Physics and Validation Group        email: tomek at uchicago.edu
   The ASC FLASH Center, The University of Chicago   phone: 773.834.3227
   5640 South Ellis, RI 475, Chicago, IL 60637       fax:   773.834.3230

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