[FLASH-BUGS] Variable names exceeding 4 characters

Aaron Froese aaron.froese at generalfusion.com
Thu Jun 30 17:16:36 CDT 2011

Hi all,

I spent a couple of hours debugging the following vague error message:

 Hydro initialized
 Gravity initialized
  Warning: The initial timestep is too large.
    initial timestep =   1.00000000000000008E-015
    CFL timestep     =   1.00000000000000008E-015
  Resetting dtinit to TIMESTEP_SLOW_START_FACTOR*dtcfl.
 Initial dt verified
Driver_abortC called
Error: H5Dcreate io_h5write_unk

Calling MPI_Abort for immediate shutdown


It occurs whenever the first four characters of variables in the simulation Config file are not unique.
I think setup should display an appropriate error message at compile time when variable names exceed 4 characters.
An update to the manual regarding this limitation would also be prudent.


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