[FLASH-BUGS] FLASH 4.2.1: Simple bug in SBlast test problem

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed Jun 18 16:47:08 CDT 2014

On Thu, 29 May 2014, Marko Pavlovic wrote:
> I'm just starting my work with the FLASH 4.2.1 code and I want to report
> a trivial bug but I suppose it can be sometimes annoying. In SBlast test
> problem, default initialization source file Simulation_initBlock.F90
> has 4 lines with more than 132 characters (maximum allowed by Fortran 90
> compiler), so we receive an error during compilation:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /usr/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
> -Wuninitialized  -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
> Simulation_initBlock.F90
> Simulation_initBlock.F90:163.71:
>         if (.not. ((geo.eq.1) .or. (geo.eq.2))) call
> Driver_abortFlash("Must us
>                                                                        1
> Error: Missing ')' in statement at or before (1)
> Simulation_initBlock.F90:165.71:
>         if (.not. ((geo.eq.3) .or. (geo.eq.4))) call
> Driver_abortFlash("Must us
>                                                                        1
> Error: Missing ')' in statement at or before (1)
> Simulation_initBlock.F90:458.132:
> sim_rIn) .and. (r_bsw .le. sim_rIn) .and. (r_bse .le. sim_rIn) .and. (r_tne
>                                                                            1
> Error: Expected a right parenthesis in expression at (1)
> Simulation_initBlock.F90:466.132:
> t. sim_rIn) .and. (r_bsw .gt. sim_rIn) .and. (r_bse .gt. sim_rIn) .and. (r_
>                                                                            1


> After breaking this lines to follow 132-character rule, it can be compiled
> successfully. I'm sending original source file and changed one.


Thanks for the report, and sorry for the late response.

This has been fixed in the just-released FLASH4.2.2.
I didn't receive a changed source file from Marko, so I just
broke up the long lines.

I have not tested compilation.

Note that "SBlast" is a variant of "Sedov" (supposedly with some 
advantages, but I would have to did to find what they are). Nobody now at 
the Flash Center is working with SBlast, we are generally using "Sedov"
for testing or to build other setups on. So that's probably why even this
trivial problem has not been found and fixed before.


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