[FLASH-BUGS] BHTree+Sink Particles

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Apr 10 08:33:18 CDT 2015

On Wed, 1 Apr 2015, Gunther Lukat wrote:

> Hello developers of Flash,
> when using the 'Tree Gravity' unit together with Sink Particles, the calculated gravitational potential seems too high.
> A possible cause is in 
> 'physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson/BHTree/Gravity_init.F90', where the 
> runtime variable 'grav_unjunkPden' is not parsed and therefore remains 
> '.false.'.
> I suggest adding 'call RuntimeParameters_get("grav_unjunkPden", 
> grav_unjunkPden)' to the Gravity_init routine as is solved our problem 
> with too high potentials.
> Can someone confirm this is bug?

Hello Gunther,

Yes, there should be a call RuntimeParameters_get("grav_unjunkPden",...) 
in that file, like in other variants of Gravity_init.F90 under Poissson.
I agree this is a bug in the released code.

Actually, we already have this line in our current development code,
so the bug is already fixed internally, but we haven't release the fix.

I hope that setting the runtime parameter to .true. helps fixing your 
problem with the potential being too high!


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