[FLASH-USERS] Big Problem??

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jul 18 13:16:15 EDT 2008

Hi Tomek,

> If you run in parallel, can you confirm that the results differ when 
> you run on a single processor?

Quick answer, yes. If I run with multiple processors instead of 1, the 
results do differ!

> If you run on many levels, how about a single block/level solution?

I should try that. But I assume they might differ also, since 1 of the 
three computers started directly with a different dt_hydro. I'm not sure 
if that would matter.
I know for a fact that choosing gamma 1.001 works on one computer and 
not on the other (Vcycle problem). Guess it's a too small value.

Seyit.. *shivering* ;)

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