[FLASH-USERS] hse bndry conditions

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Jun 16 15:36:00 EDT 2008

On Fri, 13 Jun 2008, mateuszr at umich.edu wrote:

> a super quick question about the hydrostatic boundary conditions.
> Are they compatabile with all physics modules ?
> In the Config file I have:
> REQUIRES Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/OneRow/Flash2HSE
> In flash.par I have:
> yl_boundary_type = "hydrostatic-f2+nvrefl"

I have tried to reproduce your problem by adding those two
lines to the Config and flash.par files, repectively, of
a standard Sedov setup.  I did not encounter your problem.

Please provide more information about your setup.
What gravity implementation are you using?
In particular, the units included and any modified Config
files would be useful.

Can you provide the output of the following command in
you object directory?

  ls -l Grid_apply*.F90 Grid_BC*.F90 gr_apply*.F90 gr_bc*.F90 Gravity*.F90

A caveat regarding the provided hydrostatic boundary conditions:
these are ported from the default implementation in FLASH2.
However, various setups in FLASH2 used their own implementations
overriding the defaults. You should also check whether the
algorithm used is appropriate for you or whether you should
provide your own.

Klaus Weide
FLASH Center

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