[FLASH-USERS] Running FLASH on AMD Machines

Nathan Hearn nhearn at uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 24 12:16:10 EDT 2008

Hi Latife,

    Can you tell us a bit more about the system you are using?  Some
things that would be helpful are:

1. The operating system name and version (or, if running Linux, the
distribution version and kernel version); on a Linux or other
Unix-like system, running "uname -a" will give you information about
the kernel.

2. The name and version of the Fortran compiler you are using (and the
compiler flags from Makefile.h); Makefile.h should list the name of
the compiler executable (probably something like "mpif90"), and you
may be able to run the executable from the command line with an option
like "-v" or "--version" to get the version information.

3. The version of the MPI system (e.g., MPICH 1.2.7p1); you may be
able to use "mpirun -v" or "mpirun --version" to determine this.

4. The type of network being used by MPI on the cluster (e.g.,
Ethernet or Myrinet).

    The system manager should be able to tell you what most of these
are if you can't find them.  I'm not sure if I can determine the
source of the problem, but someone on the users list should be able to
use this information to help you.  (You could also tell us a bit about
the problem you are running, as well as provide the setup command you
are using, and maybe the flash.par file.)

- Nathan

Nathan C. Hearn
nhearn at uchicago.edu

ASC Flash Center
Computational Physics Group
University of Chicago

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 8:30 AM, M.A. Latife <latife at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
>  Dear all,
>  hope you will be fine!
>  I am running FLASH 2.5  on Linux cluster but it  is slow  while running
>  on multi-machine(20 nodes) as compared to even single Machine(intel
>  machine).
>  I am using Opteron Cluster(AMD Machines) to run my simulations(FLASH 2.5).
>  Can any body tell me why it is so slow on multi machine. what is the
>  possible solution
>  kind regards
>  Latife

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