[FLASH-USERS] Probelms getting Flash3.0 to execute

Anshu Dubey dubey at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 27 13:27:35 EDT 2008

It sounds like your executable is in a different directory from where
you are trying to execute. The FLASH build process creates a directory
called "object" as a default, and the executable is placed there. Try
changing the directory to object, and give the run command again.
If you still have problem, please let us know.


> Hello,
> I am attempting to run flash3.0 on a Linux machine but when I try and run
> the
> code I get this error:
> problem with execution of flash3  on  linast14:  [Errno 2] No such file or
> directory
> The command I used to execute flash was:
> mpirun -np 1 flash3
> To setup the test case I used: ./setup Sedov -auto +noio
> Then gmake was used to compile the code which gave SUCCESS but there was
> these
> warnings during the make process:
> Grid_releaseBlkPtr.F90:104: warning: extra tokens at end of #endif
> directive
> ... and,
>  In file quicksort_index.F90:93
>          if (jstack.gt.NSTACK) pause 'NSTACK too small in indexx'
>                                                                 1
> Warning: Obsolete: PAUSE statement at (1)
>  In file quicksort_index.F90:204
>          if (jstack.gt.NSTACK) pause 'NSTACK too small in indexx'
>                                                                 1
> Warning: Obsolete: PAUSE statement at (1)
> The Makefile.h I've constructed looks like this:
> # Library specific linking
> #
> #  If a FLASH module has a 'LIBRARY xxx' line in its Config file, we need
> to
> #  create a macro in this Makefile.h for LIB_xxx, which will be added to
> the
> #  link line when FLASH is built.  This allows us to switch between
> different
> #  (incompatible) libraries.  We also create a _OPT, _DEBUG, and _TEST
> #  library macro to add any performance-minded libraries (like fast math),
> #  depending on how FLASH was setup.
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LIB_HDF5 =  $(HDF5_PATH)/lib -lhdf5 -lz
> LIB_PNG  = -lpng -lz
> LIB_MPI   =
> LIB_MPE   =
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Additional machine-dependent object files
> #
> #  Add any machine specific files here -- they will be compiled and linked
> #  when FLASH is built.
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Additional commands
> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MV = mv -f
> AR = ar -r
> RM = rm -f
> CD = cd
> RL = ranlib
> ECHO = echo
> Do you have any idea what may be wrong?
> Many thanks,
> Ross Parkin
> Postgraduate Student
> School of Physics and Astronomy
> University of Leeds, UK

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