[FLASH-USERS] Probelms getting Flash3.0 to execute

Nathan Hearn nhearn at uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 27 13:33:55 EDT 2008

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Seyit Hocuk <seyit at astro.rug.nl> wrote:
>  First of all shouldn't you do ./flash3.

Actually, while simply running an MPI executable without mpirun does
work with some MPI implementations (e.g., OpenMPI and LAM-MPI), others
will require mpirun even if only one process is being requested.

But in any case, locating the flash3 binary is a good suggestion.

- Nathan

Nathan C. Hearn
nhearn at uchicago.edu

ASC Flash Center
Computational Physics Group
University of Chicago

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