[FLASH-USERS] XFlash Bug Fixes

James Guillochon jfg at ucolick.org
Mon Oct 20 05:30:37 EDT 2008

Hi guys,

Some missing code in one of the XFlash support routines was causing me 
intermittent problems for a long time, so I figured I'd share the fix in 
case anyone else was getting the same problem. Basically, whoever wrote 
the routine forgot to include a couple H5_CLOSE (such as "H5T_CLOSE, 
datatype") commands, which are necessary to avoid memory leaks! The 
omissions I found were in the determine_file_version.pro and 
read_amr.pro routines, both essential to XFlash. Here's the location of 
the missing commands:

Missing "H5T_CLOSE, datatype" after "H5D_GET_TYPE", should be inserted 
after "H5D_CLOSE, dataset" line.
"H5F_CLOSE" command appears inside if statement, it should be OUTSIDE 
the if statement, otherwise it isn't guaranteed to execute!

"H5F_CLOSE" command appears inside if statement, it should be OUTSIDE 
the if statement.

This was causing me a huge headache and a memory corruption issue which 
would rear itself only occasionally, but would result in the wrong file 
being read! Very annoying when you're looping over hundreds of dumps...


James Guillochon
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
University of California, Santa Cruz
jfg at ucolick.org

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