[FLASH-USERS] Strange abort condition with Particles

Josef Stöckl josef.stoeckl at uibk.ac.at
Wed Oct 29 15:00:01 EDT 2008


I'v migrated a simulation from FLASH 3.0 which uses active particles 
with CIC mapping. I've changed the Config file to reflect the changes in 
WEIGHTED) and everything compiles quite nicely.

At runtime however after reading in the particles files (256^3 
particles), I get some "Error, we should not be here." as well as the 
following abort message: "Shouldn't be here!".

I've found this message to originate from gr_ptFindNegh.F90 (line 487) 
of the Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMapToMesh/Paramesh unit. I'm a 
bit puzzled why this seems to happen, especially since commenting out 
the abort and restoring the old gr_ptSearchBlk behaviour also leads to 
other errors ("[gr_ptMoveMappedData]: timesInLoop >= gr_numProcs" and 
"[gr_ptDumpState]: Metadata loop will not exit cleanly!" in the log).

I had another look at the Pancake example and checked if there were some 
other differences in those routines compared to release 3.0, but didn't 
find anything. Can anyone of you tell me or give me a clue as to why 
this is happening?

Thanks in advance and best regards,

PS: I included my simulation's Config file.

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