[FLASH-USERS] compiling issue--error: too few arguments to function ‘H5D?==?BIG5?Q?open2’

Ken Chen ken at asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
Fri Feb 6 14:18:24 EST 2009

Hi all:
I am installing the flash code in our machine and got a problem in compiling flash code.
The compiling seemed to be smooth (for all fortran part ) until meeting  gcc .The error
is following:

gcc -I/home/ken/flash2/include  -c -O2 -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc
-I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc/64  -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
io_h5read_bflags.c: In function ‘io_h5read_bflags_’:
io_h5read_bflags.c:76: error: too few arguments to function ‘H5Dopen2’
make: *** [io_h5read_bflags.o] Error 1

At the beginning, I think I may miss some include or lib files.  Then I tried to include
the possible header files, but I can't still kick out this problem.  Or the problem is
in HDF5.
Did I miss some things here? I posted part of Makefile.h and put the ????? in the
question part.
It is very appreicated  for any comments.



#FFLAGS_OPT   = -c --o2 --tp4 -CcdRR8  
FFLAGS_OPT   = -c -o2  -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc/64
FFLAGS_DEBUG = -c -g  --trace  --trap --chk[aes] -CcdRR8  
FFLAGS_TEST  = -c -CcdRR8 


F90FLAGS     =

#CFLAGS       = -c -O3 -tpp7 -march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4 -ip -unroll \
#               -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE

CFLAGS_OPT =   -c -O2 -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc/64 

# -I/usr/include/openmpi/1.2.4-gcc/64
#CFLAGS_OPT =   -c -O2

#CFLAGS_DEBUG = -I$(MPIpath)/include -c -g 
#CFLAGS_TEST  = -I$(MPIpath)/include -c

CFLAGS_HDF5  = -I/home/ken/flash2/include 
# -I/home/ken/flash2/HDF5/szip-2.1/szip/include

#CFLAGS_NCMPI = -I$(NCMPI_PATH)/include/:)



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