[FLASH-USERS] Temperature calculation using cosmology Module

Mateusz Ruszkowski mateuszr at umich.edu
Sun Jan 25 17:46:08 EST 2009

  Hi all,

I was wondering if there is any follow up on the question that Latif asked 
(enclosed below). I would also be interested to know what the anser is.
More speciically the question is: what kind of temperature is stored in 
the plot files whan the cosmology module is on?


> I am including cosmology module in my simulation. I want to ask how  FLASH 
> calculates temperature after applying redshift to hydro quantities.Does it 
> calculate physical temperature or  calculates Temperature/(scale)^2 and i 
> have to convert it back to physical temperature as  all calculations are made 
> in comoving coordinates. How it works?

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