[FLASH-USERS] Guard-cell fill problem / memory trampling on BG/P

Aaron Jackson Aaron.Jackson at stonybrook.edu
Mon Dec 20 09:54:18 EST 2010

Hi FLASH users,

I'm running into a problem on the Argonne BlueGene/P "Intrepid" in which 
it appears that the guard cell filling operation is failing to fill in 
appropriate values. I'm getting a bunch of zeros on the edges in 
density, energy, and internal energy, which then triggers a failure in 
the EoS. I'm using the latest release FLASH3.3. Setup command:

./setup <Sim> -3d -auto +cube16 +cartesian +parallelio +pm4dev 
-objdir=obj_SNIa_convect_F3.3 -maxblocks=45 

The modifications that I have made do not overwrite these quantities in 
the solution data. Has anyone else run into this kind of problem?
I've attached the standard output from the run with " [EOS Helmholtz] 
WARNING!  Mask setting does not speed up Eos Helmholtz calls" removed.

Any help or experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Aaron P. Jackson
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11789-3800

email: Aaron.Jackson at stonybrook.edu
web: http://www.astro.sunysb.edu/ajackson

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