[FLASH-USERS] How to properly calculate sound speed

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Tue Feb 2 08:06:06 EST 2010

Hi all,

Within Flash, the speed of sound is calculated by "C = gamma P/rho" with 
a constant predefined gamma. However, if you have additional physics 
like heating, cooling, or radiative transfer effects, gamma should vary. 
Hence, the sound speed is then calculated wrong. Gamma is in fact 
"dlog(P)/dlog(rho)" and the sound speed is actually "dP/drho".

How can one approximate, if not solve, the sound speed more carefully?

One basic idea I had was to derive 'C' for a zone using a neighboring 
zone (P2-P1/rho2-rho1) and to take the average of 'C' for an entire 
block. That doesn't work very well.

Kind regards,

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