[FLASH-USERS] How to properly calculate sound speed

Carlo Graziani carlo at oddjob.uchicago.edu
Wed Feb 3 11:41:57 EST 2010

On 02/03/2010 10:13 AM, Klaus Weide wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Feb 2010, Seyit Hocuk wrote:
>> Very basic question maybe, but does one have to use Helmholtz eos to get that
>> gamma? 
> Seyit,
> If you are not using the Helmholtz EOS then I assume you are using either 
> the Gamma EOS or the Multigamma EOS.  In both of those cases, the 
> adiabatic index gamma already has a well-defined meaning, so it would not 
> make sense for the FLASH Eos unit to provide a different (and conflicting)
> way to compute gamma.

In other words: if you're using Multigamma, you already have gamma_c defined
in the way you want.  If you look carefully at
source/physics/Eos/EosMain/Multigamma/Eos.F90, and trace a few of the
calls, you'll see that gamma_c is defined according to Eq.14.7 of the
User's Guide
That formula is precisely what you get for (dlog(P)/dlog(rho)) at constant
entropy, assuming an admixture of ideal gases with different (constant)
specific heats --- that is, different fixed gammas.  So it is still
precisely what you want to compute the sound speed.



Carlo Graziani                                 (773) 702-7973 (Voice)
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics       (773) 702-6645 (FAX)
University of Chicago      -------------------------------------
5640 South Ellis Avenue    | When the capital development of a country
Chicago, IL 60637          | becomes a by-product of the activities of
carlo at oddjob.uchicago.edu  | a casino, the job is likely to be ill-done.
                           |    -- J.M. Keynes, 1936

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