[FLASH-USERS] Using FlashTest (setup done but compilation is not successful)

Kunal Rao kunalgrao at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 18:22:36 EDT 2010


I am able to compile and execute the FLASH code. Now, I am trying to use the
FlashTest tool. I downloaded FlashTest from:

  and did some of the things as per the documentation.

1) Edited the config file and mentioned the pathToFlash as
     where my FLASH code resides.

2) Edited the exeScript and uncommented the mpirun command. (I am running
     working on Ubuntu 9.10 OS on my laptop)

     # Linux
         mpirun -np <numProcs> <pathToFlashExe> -par_file <parfile>

3) Created the test.info file by:
     $ ./createInfoFile.py

      The test.info file was created in the same directory with the
            setupName: unitTest/Grid/UG
            setupOptions: -1d -auto +noio
            numProcs: 1
            parfiles: <defaultParfile>

4) Now, I try to run the FlashTest by:
    $./flashTest.py -v UnitTest/

    and I get the following output. The setup is done but compilation is
    successful. Can you please tell me how to get it right ?

FlashTest v1.0 started by kunalgrao on Fri Jun 25 17:58:57 2010
Original command-line: ./flashTest.py -v UnitTest/
This invocation: 2010-06-25
WARNING: FLASH source at "/home/kunalgrao/Desktop/downloads/FLASH3.2" was
not updated
17:58:57 Parsed "kunalgrao-laptop/UnitTest"
17:58:57 Creating directory
         ****** "test.info" ******
         setupName: unitTest/Grid/UG
         setupOptions: -1d -auto +noio
         numProcs: 1
         parfiles: <defaultParfile>
         ** setup phase **
17:58:57 /home/kunalgrao/Desktop/downloads/FLASH3.2/setup unitTest/Grid/UG
-1d -auto +noio
17:58:58 setup was successful
         ** compilation phase **
17:58:58 gmake
17:58:58 compilation was not successful
17:58:58 All tests completed.
17:58:58 FlashTest complete. End of Logfile.

Thanks & Regards,
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