[FLASH-USERS] periodic/outflow BCs in PFFT+MG

Mateusz Ruszkowski mateuszr at umich.edu
Thu Aug 25 11:26:30 EDT 2011

    Hi All,

Does anybody know if it is possible to force the code to use "periodic" 
boundary conditions for self-gravity (using PFFT + multigrid), i.e.,

grav_boundary_type = "periodic"

and to make the code recognize "outflow" boundary conditions for 
hydrodynamics, i.e.,

xl_boundary_type            = outflow       , etc  ?

This could be a reasonable approximation if the self-gravitating source 
weakly contributes to the gravitational acceleration close to the domain 
boundary. An obvious advantage would be the speed-up of the computation 
of the gravitational forces achievable via the parallel version of FFT.

I found an old posting on this on the FLASH e-mail list:


and I was wondering if there have been new developments regarding this 


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