[FLASH-USERS] Bug fixes for active particles unit

Seyit Hocuk seyit at astro.rug.nl
Wed Feb 2 06:43:30 EST 2011

Hi Chris,

After applying your patch, I still get the error as shown below when 
using active particles. This is a restart from a running simulation 
which was crashing at the same point. I was hoping that this would now 
be solved, alas.

Kind regards,

 refined: total blocks =         3145
Missing neighbors on PE    2, lb=  8,surrblks=(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(   8,   2, 2)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)
Missing neighbors on PE    2, lb=  8,surrblks=(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(   8,   2, 2)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  
-1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)(  -1,  -1,-1)
 *** Wrote plotfile to xSHx_hdf5_plt_cnt_0001 ****
 DRIVER_ABORT: missing neighbor!

Chris Daley wrote:
> To FLASH users,
> We have recently become aware of two bugs in the active particles unit
> of FLASH.  These bugs do not affect tracer particles.
> 1). There is an error when mapping a portion of a particle's mass to a
> neighboring block that is at a coarser refinement level.  The bug only
> happens when a particle is within a zone that is next to a fine-coarse
> block boundary.  It causes integrated PDEN mass on the grid to differ
> from the total particle mass.
> 2). There is an error in the calculated size of a receive buffer which
> can lead to out-of-bounds accesses.  The bug can only happen in
> applications which have explicitly included the non-default
> point-to-point map particles to mesh implementation (i.e. using
> -unit=Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMapToMesh/Paramesh/PttoPt).
> The bugs can be fixed by applying the patch attached to this email.
> Navigate to the top level directory of an untouched version of
> FLASH3.3 and enter the command:
> patch -p0 < fix_particle_map_jan_2011.diff
> Additional information about the fixes is provided in the file
> svn_log_messages.txt.  A copy of all the attachments are at
> http://www.flash.uchicago.edu/~cdaley/FLASH3.3_patches/fix_particle_map_jan_2011/ 
> Regards,
> Chris

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