[FLASH-USERS] FLASH 4.0 and 2.5 d geometry

Philip Chang chang65 at uwm.edu
Thu Sep 20 14:18:45 EDT 2012


I have previously used FLASH 3.1 and 3.2, but these versions didn't have 
2.5 d properly implemented.  In particular, the v_phi component in a r-z 
(cylindrical) geometry didn't conserve angular momentum as it was being 
advected (along the r direction).  Has this been resolved in flash 4?  I 
wouldn't have thought so, but a quick glance at the flash 4 
documentation reveals that the magnetic accretion torus test problem 
(which demands angular momentum conservation) to get the MRI or so I 
would think.

So has FLASH 4 implemented conservation of angular momentum for the 
v_phi component in cylindrical geometry? Or does it do it only for a 
limited number of solvers?


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