[FLASH-USERS] Timing problem in LaserSlab example

Reem Alraddadi raba500 at york.ac.uk
Fri Aug 16 06:33:55 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I am running a Modified LaserSlab example for three materials with the
following setup line:

Slab3 -2d +pm4dev -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +mtmmmt +mgd species=cham,targ,foil
mgd_meshgroups=6 -parfile=example.par +3t -maxblocks=1000

the run goes OK at the first time with lrefine_max=6 but when I goes
with lrefine_max=9
I got the following warning message :

Warning: The initial timestep is too large.

initial timestep = 1.000000000000000E-014

CFL timestep = 5.139420973957487E-014

Resetting dtinit to TIMESTEP_SLOW_START_FACTOR*dtcfl.

My time parameters was:




tstep_change_factor = 1.1

cfl = 0.4

dt_diff_factor = 1.0e+100 # Disable diffusion dt

rt_dtFactor = 0.02

hx_dtFactor = 1.0e+100

tmax = 1.0e-8

dtmin = 0.1e-13

dtinit = 0.1e-13

dtmax = 1.0e-08

nend = 800

So I reduced the initial time step and made dtinit=dtmin=0.1e-14  and I
increased nend to 8000 as I am really interested in time when it reaches to
50ps until 200ps. However, by doing that , the warning message does not
exist any more but I found the run didn't complete and just reach when
t=5e-11 and n step was only 1809 . Also, I found an output file regard to
Hypre library which I didn't understand what does mean. I have attached
with this e-mail my flash.par file, out.log, lasslab.log and the output
messages regard to Hpyre file. I need my run reach to time from 50ps until
200 ps. Could you help me with this, please?

PS:  the flash,par is as same as example.par. Also,I wonder if the problem
because I run the same problem twice. I found that by mistake I run the
same file twice. Is this the reason that the run didn't complete ? and what
does hypre message mean?


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