[FLASH-USERS] opacity + nuclearBurn

Amit Kashi kashi at physics.umn.edu
Mon Jan 6 20:50:23 EST 2014

Hello FLASH Users,

I am using FLASH 4.0.1, with
I would like to use species based opacity as well (together with nuclear
However, using opacity it seems as one must define species using the setup
variable "species".
This conflicts with the species defined in

I tried deleting the species defined in
and re-defining them in the setup line
If this is relevant, I am using the Helmholtz EOS.

However, I am not sure that the burning unit works well with these changes.
Also, it seems as that I have to define every species opacity with an
ionmix file (isn't there a more simple way?).

Does anyone know a better way to use opacity + nuclearBurn together?

Thank you,

Amit Kashi
U. of Minnesota

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