[FLASH-USERS] Erro while compiling Flash4.2.2 with ifort compilor?

Hava Turkakin turkakin at ualberta.ca
Thu Jul 24 12:59:03 EDT 2014

My programs ends without an error if I set lrefmin=1, lref_max=4, and
nrefs=2. The plot files does not look goon in resolution though. Any
higher refinements ends with error 1. Programs runs up to some points
and stops without the maximum times is reached? I tried increasing
maxblocks, but it did not work.
Can somebody help me with this please?

On 7/23/14, Hava Turkakin <turkakin at ualberta.ca> wrote:
> On 7/23/14, Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Hava Turkakin wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Thank you for your anwer again. Now I have successfully compiled and
>>> ran magnetoHD/CurrentSheet test problem. I dies after providing part
>>> of the data when I used
>>> lrefine_min     = 1
>>> lrefine_max     = 6
>>> nrefs           = 2
>>> when I changed this to
>>> refine_min     = 4
>>> lrefine_max     = 8
>>> nrefs           = 2
>>> It runs withoug error, however refinement becomes very bad. How can I
>>> fix this problem.
>> Hava,
>> How does the test problem "die" when you use lrefine_max = 6?  What
>> error messages appear?
>> Also, what do you mean with "after providing part of the data"?
>> Also, what did you mean with "refinement becomes very bad"?
>>> I set up CurrentSheet probles with options -a +8wave -maxblocks=1000
>> The MHD solver that we nowadays use at the Flash Center is the
>> Unsplit Staggered Mesh solver, not the Eight Wave solver.
>> So if you don't have a really good reason to stick with the Eight Wave
>> solver, I would recommend that you use a setup command with "+usm"
>> instead
>> of "+8wave".
>> If you have further questions, please keep the 'Cc: flash-users' in your
>> messages if possible.
>> Klaus
> It worked though when I set -maxblocks=20000?. I am not sure though if
> this is the best way to do it. I will try +usm as well.
> Thank you
> --
> Hava Turkakin
> PhD Candidate
> University of Alberta
> Space Physics Research Group

Hava Turkakin
PhD Candidate
University of Alberta
Space Physics Research Group

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