[FLASH-USERS] Read some variables as data files as initialization to flash and initialize others with math functions?

Hava Turkakin turkakin at ualberta.ca
Thu Jul 31 14:22:21 EDT 2014

Can somebody please tell me if it is possible to read in some values as
data and initialize others with math. functions. If so, how will let
flash know which values I am reading. Just typing values names as
velx,vely, magx,magy in the data file will be enough? I don't see any
other specification in the code that tells which column represent
which values?  I want to initialize velocity and magnetic fields
perturbations from data files and density and pressure as math
functions? I am modifiying magnetoHD/Brio-Wu problem to do this.
Thank you
I greatly appreciate any help.

Hava Turkakin
PhD Candidate
University of Alberta
Space Physics Research Group

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