[FLASH-USERS] Disable particles

pchang pchang at lle.rochester.edu
Tue Nov 18 15:13:41 EST 2014

Hi all,
I am doing simulation for imploding cylindrical target using lasers. I 
am using the hydrodynamics units and don't use the particles unit. In 
the list of RuntimeParameters in the log file, I also have 
useparticles=F. So, I believe I don't have the particles unit in the 
simulations. It works fine when I have less than two laser beams. 
However, when I added more beams, the simulation stopped and gave an error:

  Overflow! Mesh PE           9 , gettingFrom           2 , 
recvCount        8068 , max particles       10000
  DRIVER_ABORT: [gr_ptMove]: Insufficient space in particles 
communication buffer: increase pt_maxPerProc

So, my questions are:

(1) I thought the particle unit was not used. Why did it consider the 
number of max particles.
(2) If I have to have the particle unit, when can I increase 
pt_maxPerProc ? in the flash.par? or as setup variable?

Thank you,


Po-Yu Chang
Fusion Science Center,
Laboratory for Laser Energetics
University of Rochester
250 East River Road
Rochester, New York 14623
Phone: (585) 273-5179
FAX: (585) 275-5960
pchang at lle.rochester.edu

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