[FLASH-USERS] Particle counts and "seeing" particles.

Joshua Wall joshua.e.wall at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 16:15:44 EST 2014


   I'm currently making sink particles by calling pt_sinkCreateParticle
while Flash is running to input sinks on the fly during a simulation.
However I've noticed that this doesn't appear to update the "global" number
of particles in the simulation, and I'm having trouble tracking down what I
need to call to do this (and to assure myself I haven't missed anything
else during sink creation). Are the two particle types completely separate,
or should I be calling other subroutines to ensure everything is properly
synced up somewhere in the background?

  I should note the sinks appear properly, as I can see them in the HDF5
and in plots in yt (thanks to John help). But Flash reports the number of
global particles is zero during a run after I add them.


Joshua Wall

Doctoral Candidate
Department of Physics
Drexel University
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