[FLASH-USERS] 2D +spherical point mass AND self-gravity question

Ivo Seitenzahl ivo.seitenzahl at anu.edu.au
Mon May 4 21:04:40 EDT 2015

Dear FLASH-users,
I have run into a problem with the gravity for my problem. The geometry 
is +spherical and dimensionality is 2D.

What I've been trying to set up is self-gravity (as far as I can tell 
only multi-pole is supported in 2D+spherical) IN ADDITION to a single 
central "point_mass".  Essentially what I have is a central compact 
object (think of it as a black hole) surrounded by a self-gravitating 
envelope. So a further complication is that xmin > 0.0 (I have excised a 
central region from the computational domain, still, so the point_mass 
would sit outside the computational domain).

Looking here it seems to me that Poisson gravity and point_mass is a 
valid combination.

However, it seems to be a strict requirement (by that the grid should 
begin at r=0 (i.e. xmin=0), which is communicated clearly as an ERROR by 
gr_mpoleInit.F90 if I build the problem with +newMpole.

   if (radialXGrid) then
       if (gr_mpoleDomainXmin /= ZERO) then
           call Driver_abortFlash ('[gr_mpoleInit] ERROR: radial X-coord 
out of range')
       end if
   end if

Am I just SOL or am I missing something? If anyone has any insight how 
to setup self-gravity in 2D+spherical (with xmin > 0.0) and a central 
(fixed at the origin) point mass then I would greatly appreciate any 

Best wishes from Down-Under,


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