[FLASH-USERS] Occasional part file with forced plot file

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue May 5 18:20:54 EDT 2015

On Sat, 2 May 2015, Joshua Wall wrote:

> Dear users,
>     When I use FLASH I stop and start the Driver routine periodically
> during a run. I've noticed when doing runs that occasionally when FLASH
> makes a forced_plot file (because we've reached max_sim_time) it also makes
> a particle file. Since I have many more regular plot files, this throws off
> the syncing between my plot and particle files. It usually only does this
> ~1 time in a 100 time steps. I've been outputting using:
>  53 plotFileIntervalStep           = 0
>  54 plotFileIntervalTime           = 3.1536e9
>  55 particleFileIntervalStep       = 0
>  56 particleFileIntervalTime       = 3.1536e9
> in my par file. I can't seem to track down what is causing this behavior,
> but I'd honestly rather just do without forced plot files altogether than
> to have my files not synced. I've been browsing IO_output to try and either
> disable forced plot files or make sure it doesn’t make a particle file when
> it writes one, but can't quite track the the code. Any ideas on how I can
> resolve this (possibly Klaus as I see your initials in IO_output...) ?


It seems that for consistency there should be a notion of "forced particle 
files" to parallel that of forced plotfiles, but currently there isn't.

Maybe all you need to do to avoid the particle files you don't want is 
modify IO_outputFina.F90, which is where the forced plotfiles are usually 
written. Possibly just removing the line

       call IO_writeParticles(.false.)

there will give you the behavior you want.


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