Majid Masnavi majidmasnavi at creol.ucf.edu
Wed Nov 25 14:17:56 EST 2015

Thanks Klaus,

Have you set up with +hdftypeio ?

Yes, I did. I used the same setup command that worked well in the past.

Try setting ed_useLaserIO to .FALSE.

I'll do that. Now, I do not have access to that computer.
Do you have an unusual situation, like having fewer leaf blocks than MPI
tasks, at the start of your simulation?

No, Idea. I should check.

Can you reproduce the problem with one process  (1 MPI task)?

Yes. it is the same error with fewer reports.

Many many thanks
From: Klaus Weide [klaus at flash.uchicago.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 1:25 PM
To: Majid Masnavi
Cc: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] FLASH a problem

On Wed, 25 Nov 2015, Majid Masnavi wrote:

> Hello FLASH-users,
> I have installed a new parallel code that woks using openmpi.
> After that I receive the following errors from the FLASH code when I want to run hydrodynamics calculation.
> I am using Ubuntu 14.
> Any comments?

Have you set up with +hdftypeio ?
Try setting ed_useLaserIO to .FALSE.
Do you have an unusual situation, like having fewer leaf blocks than MPI
tasks, at the start of your simulation?
Can you reproduce the problem with one process  (1 MPI task)?


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