[FLASH-USERS] setting pre-processor symbols like MAGX_VAR

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 6 12:07:14 EST 2016

On Tue, 6 Dec 2016, Slavin, Jonathan wrote:

> I've been doing supernova remnant evolution runs that were built off of the
> Sedov setup.  Those have all been working fine, but now I'm trying to add
> the magnetic field.  I have modeled the changes off of the code under
> magnetoHD/BlastBS.  The changes seemed simple enough, but when I build I
> get things like:
> Simulation_init.F90(85): error #6404: This name does not have a type, and
> must have an explicit type.   [SIM_KILLDIVB]
>   call RuntimeParameters_get('killdivb',sim_killdivb)
> ----------------------------------------^


The compiler is telling you here that it does not recognize 
'sim_killdivb'. You should have a (logical) Fortran variable sim_killdivb.

If you follow FLASH code conventions in your Simulation files, 
 * sim_killdivb should be declared in Simulation_data, and
 * Simulation_init should USE that module, as in
     use Simulation_data: ..., sim_killDivB, ...
     use Simulation_data


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