[FLASH-USERS] Compiling LaserSlab for FLASH 4.4 error in Diffuse_computeFluxLimiter.F90

Marissa Adams madams at pas.rochester.edu
Fri Dec 30 15:05:35 EST 2016

Hi everyone & happy new year,

Firstly I am using the setup script, as detailed in the user guide:

 ./setup -auto LaserSlab -2d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 +hdf5typeio \
> species=cham,targ +mtmmmt +laser +uhd3t +mgd mgd_meshgroups=6 \
> -parfile=example.par

I am running into this error:

mpixlf90_r -I/usr/local/hypre/2.8.0b-MPI-XL-No-Global-Partition/include -g
> -O3 -qnohot -qrealsize=8 -qnosave -qfixed -c -qthreaded
> -qsuffix=f=F90:cpp=F90 -qfree=f90 -WF,-DFLASH_3T -WF,-DMAXBLOCKS=1000
> -WF,-DNXB=16 -WF,-DNYB=16 -WF,-DNZB=1 -WF,-DN_DIM=2
> Diffuse_computeFluxLimiter.F90
> "Diffuse_computeFluxLimiter.F90", line 200.37: 1513-041 (S) Arguments of
> the wrong type were specified for the INTRINSIC procedure "min".
> ** diffuse_computefluxlimiter   === End of Compilation 1 ===
> 1501-511  Compilation failed for file Diffuse_computeFluxLimiter.F90.
> make: *** [Diffuse_computeFluxLimiter.o] Error 1

​The line in question is:

dcoef = min(dcoefOld, fl/(maggrad + 1.0D-100))

​It seems to me that min does not like the mixture of two data types:
variables *dcoefold*, *fl*, *maggrad* being reals, and a double precision
number. I tried converting to and from double precision, and it still
yields the same error but up upward in the file at line 162.40, which
doesn't include a *min* at all. Gah!

Does anyone have an insight on what to do? I feel a little stuck, and I am
just trying to run the standard problem.


Marissa Adams                                 E-mail:
madams at pas.rochester.edu
PhD Student                                   Ph: (585) 402-5779
University of Rochester                       Website:
Department of Physics & Astronomy
108 Bausch & Lomb Hall
P.O. Box 270171
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