[FLASH-USERS] How to generate big checkpoint files in FLASH

Zheng Yuan zhengyuan2014 at u.northwestern.edu
Tue Mar 1 11:15:45 EST 2016

Dear all,

My goal is to run FLASH using 1K MPI processes and get large checkpoint 
files (500 GB each. These large checkpoint files will be used as the 
test data of a parallel data compression algorithm proposed by our 
group.). Does anybody know how to set the parameters to run FLASH in 
large scale and get large checkpoint files?

Currently, I am trying to run FLASH/Sedov to generate large checkpoint 
files.  However, FLASH reports an error when I increase the dimension of 
the grid.

I configured FLASH using:

./setup Sedov -auto +pnetcdf -objdir=sedov_2d 
-parfile=sedov_io_69b_2d.par -2d -nxb=64 -nyb=64 -maxblocks=200

To run more iterations, I changed the 'nend' parameter to 10 in 
sedov_2d/flash.par and make sedov_2d

I run flash using command:

mpirun -n 4 ./flash4

FLASH terminate at the third iteration. The error is:


  *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002 ****
  *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003 ****
        3 1.0000E-04 2.5000E-05  ( 5.139E-01,  4.988E-01,  0.000E+00) |  
  *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003 ****

  Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman

  Zone index       =           30
  Zone center      =   0.51245117187500000
  Iterations tried =           12
  Pressure error   =   1.38898716088727185E-005
  rieman_tol       =   1.00000000000000008E-005


  Terminating execution.
  DRIVER_ABORT: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman


  Terminating execution.

  Driver_abort called. See log file for details.
  Error message is Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
  Calling MPI_Abort() for shutdown in   2 seconds!

(I attached the output, the log file and the flash.par.)

The parameter -nxb and  -nyb controls the size of checkpoint file. If 
-nxb=32 -nyb=32, FLASH works well. I don't know why -nxb=64 -nyb=64 does 
not work. I just want to get large checkpoint files. If Sedov cannot 
generate large checkpoint file size, using other routines is also fine.

Zheng Yuan

-------------- next part --------------
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "packMeshPlotWriteHDF5"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "packMeshChkWriteHDF5"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "packMeshChkReadHDF5"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "asyncMeshPlotWritePnet"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "asyncMeshChkWritePnet"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "asyncMeshChkReadPnet"...
 RuntimeParameters_read:  ignoring unknown parameter "particleFileIntervalStep"...
 MaterialProperties initialized
 Cosmology initialized
 Source terms initialized
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =            1
 refined: total blocks =            1
 INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =            4
 refined: total blocks =            5
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =           16
 refined: total blocks =           21
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =           28
 refined: total blocks =           37
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           2
  iteration, no. not moved =            1           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =           40
 refined: total blocks =           53
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           7
  iteration, no. not moved =            1           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =           52
 refined: total blocks =           69
  Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
 Ready to call Hydro_init
 Info: Hydro_init has set hy_specialFluxVars to            3
 Hydro initialized
 Gravity initialized
 Initial dt verified
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0000 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0000 ****
 Initial plotfile written
 Driver init all done
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0001 ****
       n          t         dt  (         x,          y,          z) |  dt_hydro 
       1 2.0000E-10 2.5000E-05  ( 4.993E-01,  4.875E-01,  0.000E+00) |  1.265E-05
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0001 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0002 ****
       2 5.0000E-05 2.5000E-05  ( 5.134E-01,  5.017E-01,  0.000E+00) |  8.673E-06
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003 ****
       3 1.0000E-04 2.5000E-05  ( 5.139E-01,  4.988E-01,  0.000E+00) |  6.407E-07
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003 ****
 Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Zone index       =           30
 Zone center      =   0.51245117187500000     
 Iterations tried =           12
 Pressure error   =   1.38898716088727185E-005
 rieman_tol       =   1.00000000000000008E-005
 pL       =    333.48471777529863       pR       =  1.00000000000000004E-010
 uL       =    11.503265312380062       uR       = -1.44440110346356202E+028
 cL       =    16.833268337161257       cR       =  1.18321595661992316E-010
 gamma_eL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_eR =   1.3999999999999999     
 gamma_cL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_cR =   1.3999999999999999     
 Iteration history:
   n                    p*
   1    0.170903843337E+19
   2    0.206846782834E+33
   3    0.227560710287E+40
   4    0.755009425342E+43
   5    0.442176204670E+45
   6    0.370411584433E+46
   7    0.116770949481E+47
   8    0.201508288303E+47
   9    0.242187016811E+47
  10    0.249925783066E+47
  11    0.250345435163E+47
  12    0.250348912477E+47
 Terminating execution.
 DRIVER_ABORT: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Zone index       =           39
 Zone center      =   0.48559570312500000     
 Iterations tried =           12
 Pressure error   =   1.99750620179465857E-005
 rieman_tol       =   1.00000000000000008E-005
 pL       =   1.00000000000000004E-010  pR       =   192096058.35865149     
 uL       =   2.37381854747597564E+029  uR       =  1.03278389927049904E+020
 cL       =   1.18321595661992316E-010  cR       =   271664851.00921851     
 gamma_eL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_eR =   1.3999999999999999     
 gamma_cL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_cR =   1.3999999999999999     
 Iteration history:
   n                    p*
   1    0.280873998227E+20
   2    0.137814181347E+35
   3    0.305270694707E+42
   4    0.143705352884E+46
   5    0.999925802682E+47
   6    0.908873863104E+48
   7    0.299989680773E+49
   8    0.533178306863E+49
   9    0.650904254583E+49
  10    0.674771187290E+49
  11    0.676188223833E+49
  12    0.676201731005E+49
 Terminating execution.
 DRIVER_ABORT: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Zone index       =           21
 Zone center      =   0.50805664062500000     
 Iterations tried =           12
 Pressure error   =   1.10480408485796593E-005
 rieman_tol       =   1.00000000000000008E-005
 pL       =    390.01492358876504       pR       =  1.00000000000000004E-010
 uL       =    10.890052704970055       uR       = -2.73398548595714679E+027
 cL       =    21.836454516391196       cR       =  1.18321595661992316E-010
 gamma_eL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_eR =   1.3999999999999999     
 gamma_cL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_cR =   1.3999999999999999     
 Iteration history:
   n                    p*
   1    0.323489525213E+18
   2    0.170338293335E+32
   3    0.123605667824E+39
   4    0.333090697670E+42
   5    0.176113137384E+44
   6    0.140546185976E+45
   7    0.430983822756E+45
   8    0.730681219742E+45
   9    0.870130120688E+45
  10    0.895625974979E+45
  11    0.896932087028E+45
  12    0.896941996480E+45
 Terminating execution.
 DRIVER_ABORT: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Zone index       =           53
 Zone center      =   0.49243164062500000     
 Iterations tried =           12
 Pressure error   =   1.10480408482670228E-005
 rieman_tol       =   1.00000000000000008E-005
 pL       =   1.00000000000000004E-010  pR       =   390.01492358877618     
 uL       =   2.73398548595211267E+027  uR       =  -10.890052704973192     
 cL       =   1.18321595661992316E-010  cR       =   21.836454516391907     
 gamma_eL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_eR =   1.3999999999999999     
 gamma_cL =    1.3999999999999999       gamma_cR =   1.3999999999999999     
 Iteration history:
   n                    p*
   1    0.323489525213E+18
   2    0.170338293334E+32
   3    0.123605667824E+39
   4    0.333090697669E+42
   5    0.176113137384E+44
   6    0.140546185976E+45
   7    0.430983822755E+45
   8    0.730681219739E+45
   9    0.870130120684E+45
  10    0.895625974976E+45
  11    0.896932087025E+45
  12    0.896941996477E+45
 Terminating execution.
 Driver_abort called. See log file for details.
 Error message is Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 Calling MPI_Abort() for shutdown in   2 seconds!

=   PID 28605 RUNNING AT bigdata.eecs.northwestern.edu
=   EXIT CODE: 1
-------------- next part --------------
 FLASH log file:  03-01-2016  09:11:40.420    Run number:  1
 Number of MPI tasks:                  4
 MPI version:                          3
 MPI subversion:                       0
 Dimensionality:                       2
 Max Number of Blocks/Proc:          200
 Number x zones:                      64
 Number y zones:                      64
 Number z zones:                       1
 Setup stamp:     Tue Mar 1 09:08:39 2016
 Build stamp:     Tue Mar 1 09:11:02 2016
 System info:     Linux bigdata.eecs.northwestern.edu 2.6.32-573.18.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 6
 Version:         FLASH 4.2.1_release                                                             
 Build directory: /home/zys133/FLASH/FLASH4.2.1/sedov_2d
 Setup syntax:    /home/zys133/FLASH/FLASH4.2.1/bin/setup.py Sedov -auto +pnetcdf -objdir=sedov_2d -parfile=sedov_io_69b_2d.par -2d -nxb=64 -nyb=64 -maxblocks=200
 f compiler flags: /usr/local//bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=64 -DNYB=64 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
 c compiler flags:    /usr/local//bin/mpicc -I/home/wkliao/PnetCDF/include -ggdb -c -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=64 -DNYB=64 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
 Comment:  2D Sedov explosion, from t=0 with sim_rInit = 3.5dx_min
 FLASH Units used:
bndpriorityone              =          1
bndprioritythree            =          3
bndprioritytwo              =          2
checkpointfileintervalstep  =          1 [CHANGED]
checkpointfilenumber        =          0
dr_abortpause               =          2
drift_break_inst            =          0
drift_trunc_mantissa        =          2
drift_verbose_inst          =          0
eos_entrelescalechoice      =          6
fileformatversion           =          9
forcedplotfilenumber        =          0
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9       =         -1
gr_pmrpdivergencefree       =          1
gr_pmrpifaceoff             =          0
gr_pmrpl2p5d                =         -1
gr_pmrpmaxblocks            =         -1
gr_pmrpmflags               =          1
gr_pmrpnboundaries          =          4
gr_pmrpndim                 =          2
gr_pmrpnedgevar1            =         -1
gr_pmrpnfacevar             =         -1
gr_pmrpnfielddivf           =         -1
gr_pmrpnfluxvar             =         -1
gr_pmrpnguard               =         -1
gr_pmrpnguardwork           =         -1
gr_pmrpnvar                 =         -1
gr_pmrpnvarwork             =          1
gr_pmrpnvarcorn             =          0
gr_pmrpnvaredge             =          0
gr_pmrpnxb                  =         -1
gr_pmrpnyb                  =         -1
gr_pmrpnzb                  =          1
gr_restrictallmethod        =          3
gr_sanitizedatamode         =          1
gr_sanitizeverbosity        =          5
iprocs                      =          1
igodu                       =          0
interpol_order              =          2
iplm                        =          0
irenorm                     =          0
jprocs                      =          1
kprocs                      =          1
lrefine_del                 =          0
lrefine_max                 =          6 [CHANGED]
lrefine_min                 =          1
lrefine_min_init            =          1
max_particles_per_blk       =        100
memory_stat_freq            =     100000
meshcopycount               =          1
min_particles_per_blk       =          1
nbegin                      =          1
nblockx                     =          1
nblocky                     =          1
nblockz                     =          1
nend                        =          6 [CHANGED]
nrefs                       =          2
nriem                       =         10
nsteptotalsts               =          5
outputsplitnum              =          1
plotfileintervalstep        =          1 [CHANGED]
plotfilenumber              =          0
ppmeintcompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmeintfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmenercompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmenerfluxconstructionmeth =          0
refine_var_count            =          4
rolling_checkpoint          =      10000
sim_nsubzones               =          7
sweeporder                  =        123
wr_integrals_freq           =          1
cfl                         =                 0.800E+00
checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.100E+01
checkpointfileintervalz     =                 0.180+309
cvisc                       =                 0.100E+00
derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_3           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_4           =                 0.200E+00
dp_sh                       =                 0.330E+00
dp_sh_md                    =                 0.330E+00
dr_tstepslowstartfactor     =                 0.100E+00
dtinit                      =                 0.100E-09
dtmax                       =                 0.250E-04 [CHANGED]
dtmin                       =                 0.250E-04 [CHANGED]
eintswitch                  =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
eos_singlespeciesa          =                 0.100E+01
eos_singlespeciesz          =                 0.100E+01
epsiln                      =                 0.330E+00
gamma                       =                 0.140E+01 [CHANGED]
gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase     =                 0.100E+02
gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact  =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtref        =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale   =                 0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_1            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_10           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_11           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_12           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_13           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_14           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_15           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_16           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_17           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_18           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_19           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_2            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_20           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_3            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_4            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_5            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_6            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_7            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_8            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_9            =                -0.100E+01
nusts                       =                 0.100E+00
omg1                        =                 0.750E+00
omg2                        =                 0.100E+02
plotfileintervaltime        =                 0.100E+01
plotfileintervalz           =                 0.180+309
refine_cutoff_1             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_2             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_3             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_4             =                 0.800E+00
refine_filter_1             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_2             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_3             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_4             =                 0.100E-01
rieman_tol                  =                 0.100E-04
rss_limit                   =                -0.100E+01
sim_expenergy               =                 0.100E+01
sim_pambient                =                 0.100E-04
sim_rinit                   =                 0.137E-01 [CHANGED]
sim_rhoambient              =                 0.100E+01
sim_xctr                    =                 0.500E+00
sim_yctr                    =                 0.500E+00
sim_zctr                    =                 0.500E+00
small                       =                 0.100E-09
smalle                      =                 0.100E-09
smallp                      =                 0.100E-09
smallt                      =                 0.100E-09
smallu                      =                 0.100E-09
smallx                      =                 0.100E-09
smlrho                      =                 0.100E-09
tinitial                    =                 0.000E+00
tmax                        =                 0.500E-01 [CHANGED]
tstep_change_factor         =                 0.200E+01
vgrid                       =                 0.000E+00
wall_clock_checkpoint       =                 0.432E+05
wall_clock_time_limit       =                 0.605E+06
x_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
xmax                        =                 0.100E+01
xmin                        =                 0.000E+00
y_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
ymax                        =                 0.100E+01
ymin                        =                 0.000E+00
zfinal                      =                 0.000E+00
zinitial                    =                -0.100E+01
z_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
zmax                        =                 0.100E+01
zmin                        =                 0.000E+00
unitsystem                  = none                          
basenm                      = sedov_2d_6lev_                 [CHANGED]
eosmode                     = dens_ie                       
eosmodeinit                 = dens_ie                       
geometry                    = cartesian                     
gr_pmrpoutputdir            = ./                            
grav_boundary_type          = isolated                      
hy_eosmodeafter             = dens_ie                       
hy_fluxrepresentation       = fluxes                        
log_file                    = sedov_2d_6lev.log              [CHANGED]
output_directory            =                               
pc_unitsbase                = CGS                           
plot_grid_var_1             = none                          
plot_grid_var_10            = none                          
plot_grid_var_11            = none                          
plot_grid_var_12            = none                          
plot_grid_var_2             = none                          
plot_grid_var_3             = none                          
plot_grid_var_4             = none                          
plot_grid_var_5             = none                          
plot_grid_var_6             = none                          
plot_grid_var_7             = none                          
plot_grid_var_8             = none                          
plot_grid_var_9             = none                          
plot_var_1                  = dens                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_10                 = none                          
plot_var_11                 = none                          
plot_var_12                 = none                          
plot_var_2                  = pres                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_3                  = temp                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_4                  = none                          
plot_var_5                  = none                          
plot_var_6                  = none                          
plot_var_7                  = none                          
plot_var_8                  = none                          
plot_var_9                  = none                          
prof_file                   = profile.dat                   
refine_var_1                = dens                           [CHANGED]
refine_var_2                = pres                           [CHANGED]
refine_var_3                = none                          
refine_var_4                = none                          
run_comment                 = 2D Sedov explosion, from t=0 w [CHANGED]
run_number                  = 1                             
stats_file                  = flash.dat                     
xl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
xr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
yl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
yr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
zl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
zr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
allowdtstsdominate          =  F
alwayscomputeuservars       =  T
alwaysrestrictcheckpoint    =  T
bytepack                    =  F
charlimiting                =  T
chkguardcellsinput          =  F
chkguardcellsoutput         =  F
converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  T
corners                     =  F
dr_printtsteploc            =  T
dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax =  F
drift_tuples                =  F
eachprocwritesownabortlog   =  F
eachprocwritessummary       =  F
earlyblockdistadjustment    =  T
enablemaskedgcfill          =  F
flux_correct                =  T
geometryoverride            =  F
gr_bcenableapplymixedgds    =  T
gr_lrefinemaxbytime         =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr    =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime    =  F
gr_pmrpadvancealllevels     =  F
gr_pmrpamrerrorchecking     =  F
gr_pmrpcartesianpm          =  F
gr_pmrpconserve             =  F
gr_pmrpconsvfluxdensities   =  T
gr_pmrpconsvfluxes          =  F
gr_pmrpcurvilinear          =  F
gr_pmrpcurvilinearconserve  =  F
gr_pmrpcylindricalpm        =  F
gr_pmrpdiagonals            =  T
gr_pmrpedgevalue            =  T
gr_pmrpedgevalueinteg       =  F
gr_pmrpemptycells           =  F
gr_pmrpforceconsistency     =  T
gr_pmrplsingularline        =  F
gr_pmrpnopermanentguardcells =  F
gr_pmrppolarpm              =  F
gr_pmrppredcorr             =  F
gr_pmrpsphericalpm          =  F
gr_pmrptimingmpi            =  F
gr_pmrptimingmpix           =  F
gr_pmrpvardt                =  F
hybrid_riemann              =  F
ignoreforcedplot            =  F
io_writemscalarintegrals    =  F
leveque                     =  F
plotfilegridquantitydp      =  F
plotfilemetadatadp          =  F
ppm_modifystates            =  F
reducegcellfills            =  F
refine_on_particle_count    =  F
restart                     =  F
summaryoutputonly           =  F
threadblocklistbuild        =  F
threaddelepblocklist        =  F
threaddelepwithinblock      =  F
threaddriverblocklist       =  F
threaddriverwithinblock     =  F
threadeoswithinblock        =  F
threadhydroblocklist        =  F
threadhydrowithinblock      =  F
threadraytracebuild         =  F
threadwithinblockbuild      =  F
typematchedxfer             =  T
unbiased_geometry           =  F
updatehydrofluxes           =  T
useburn                     =  F
usecollectivehdf5           =  T
useconductivity             =  F
usecool                     =  F
usecosmology                =  F
usedeleptonize              =  F
usediffuse                  =  F
useenergydeposition         =  F
useflame                    =  F
usegravity                  =  F
useheat                     =  F
useheatexchange             =  F
usehydro                    =  T
useionize                   =  F
uselegacylabels             =  T
usemagneticresistivity      =  F
usemassdiffusivity          =  F
useopacity                  =  F
useparticles                =  F
usepolytrope                =  F
useprimordialchemistry      =  F
useradtrans                 =  F
usests                      =  F
usestsfordiffusion          =  F
usestir                     =  F
usetreecol                  =  F
useturb                     =  T
useviscosity                =  F
use_cma_advection           =  F
use_cma_flattening          =  F
use_cma_steepening          =  F
use_steepening              =  T
writestatsummary            =  T
 WARNING: Ignored Parameters :
 These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were
 not declared in any Config file for the simulation!
 Known units of measurement:
              Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
  1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
  2                   s                     1.0000                            s
  3                   g                     1.0000                            g
  4                   K                     1.0000                            K
  5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
  6                 mol                     1.0000                          mol
  7                   m                     100.00                           cm
  8                  km                    1.00000E+05                       cm
  9                  pc                    3.08568E+18                       cm
 10                 kpc                    3.08568E+21                       cm
 11                 Mpc                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 12                 Gpc                    3.08568E+27                       cm
 13                Rsun                    6.96000E+10                       cm
 14                  AU                    1.49598E+13                       cm
 15                  yr                    3.15569E+07                        s
 16                 Myr                    3.15569E+13                        s
 17                 Gyr                    3.15569E+16                        s
 18                  kg                     1000.0                            g
 19                Msun                    1.98892E+33                        g
 20                 amu                    1.66054E-24                        g
 21                  eV                     11605.                            K
 22                   C                    2.99792E+09                      esu
 23                LFLY                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 24                TFLY                    2.05759E+17                        s
 25                MFLY                    9.88470E+45                        g
 26            clLength                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 27              clTime                    3.15569E+16                        s
 28              clMass                    1.98892E+48                        g
 29              clTemp                    1.16044E+07                        K
-----------End of Units--------------------
 Known physical constants:
    Constant Name       Constant Value   cm       s        g        K        esu      mol
  1              Newton    6.67428E-08   3.0     -2.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  2      speed of light    2.99792E+10   1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  3              Planck    6.62607E-27   2.0     -1.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  4     electron charge    4.80320E-10   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0    
  5       electron mass    9.10938E-28   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  6         proton mass    1.67262E-24   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  7      fine-structure    7.29735E-03   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  8            Avogadro    6.02214E+23   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     -1.0    
  9           Boltzmann    1.38065E-16   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0    
 10  ideal gas constant    8.31447E+07   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0     -1.0    
 11                Wien    0.28978       1.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0    
 12    Stefan-Boltzmann    5.67040E-05   0.0     -3.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 13  Radiation Constant    7.56577E-15  -1.0     -2.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 14                  pi     3.1416       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 15                   e     2.7183       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 16               Euler    0.57722       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 Multifluid database: not configured in
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.512 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.512 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.516 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.516 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 1
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0    max blks 1    tot blks 1
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0    max leaf blks 1    tot leaf blks 1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.517 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.519 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=1, create level=2
 INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.564 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=1, buffer_dim_recv=1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.567 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.567 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 5
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 1    max blks 2    tot blks 5
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 1    max leaf blks 1    tot leaf blks 4
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.568 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.568 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=2, create level=3
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.617 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=128629, buffer_dim_recv=5515
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.622 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.623 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 21
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 5    max blks 6    tot blks 21
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 4    max leaf blks 4    tot leaf blks 16
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.623 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.624 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=3, create level=4
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.785 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=139419, buffer_dim_recv=16305
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.797 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.797 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 37
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 9    max blks 10    tot blks 37
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 7    max leaf blks 7    tot leaf blks 28
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.800 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:40.801 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=4, create level=5
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.077 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=150209, buffer_dim_recv=27095
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.101 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.102 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 53
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 13    max blks 14    tot blks 53
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 10    max leaf blks 10    tot leaf blks 40
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.104 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.105 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=5, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.386 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=160999, buffer_dim_recv=37885
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.408 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.409 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 69
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 17    max blks 18    tot blks 69
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 13    max leaf blks 13    tot leaf blks 52
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.411 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.412 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=6, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.688 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=171789, buffer_dim_recv=48675
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:41.717 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=7, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.022 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=8, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.284 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.284 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.91 (min)        103.50 (max)        102.38 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.284 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.285 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.94 (min)        103.54 (max)        102.41 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.288 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.289 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.95 (min)        103.55 (max)        102.42 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.322 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.497 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.498 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.541 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.541 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      568.47 (min)        568.73 (max)        568.60 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.541 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      103.70 (min)        107.05 (max)        105.09 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.541 ] [Driver_evolveFlash]: Entering evolution loop
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:42.541 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.000000E-10
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:43.425 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:43.455 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:43.458 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:43.574 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:43.574 ] step: n=2 t=2.000000E-10 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:44.197 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:44.227 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:44.283 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:44.398 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:44.398 ] step: n=3 t=5.000020E-05 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.023 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.053 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.056 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.172 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.173 ] step: n=4 t=1.000002E-04 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.768 ] [DRIVER_ABORT]: Driver_abort() called by PE           0
 [ 03-01-2016  09:11:45.768 ] abort_message: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
 FLASH log file:  03-01-2016  09:40:54.705    Run number:  1
 Number of MPI tasks:                  4
 MPI version:                          3
 MPI subversion:                       0
 Dimensionality:                       2
 Max Number of Blocks/Proc:          200
 Number x zones:                      64
 Number y zones:                      64
 Number z zones:                       1
 Setup stamp:     Tue Mar 1 09:08:39 2016
 Build stamp:     Tue Mar 1 09:11:02 2016
 System info:     Linux bigdata.eecs.northwestern.edu 2.6.32-573.18.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jan 6
 Version:         FLASH 4.2.1_release                                                             
 Build directory: /home/zys133/FLASH/FLASH4.2.1/sedov_2d
 Setup syntax:    /home/zys133/FLASH/FLASH4.2.1/bin/setup.py Sedov -auto +pnetcdf -objdir=sedov_2d -parfile=sedov_io_69b_2d.par -2d -nxb=64 -nyb=64 -maxblocks=200
 f compiler flags: /usr/local//bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=64 -DNYB=64 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
 c compiler flags:    /usr/local//bin/mpicc -I/home/wkliao/PnetCDF/include -ggdb -c -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=64 -DNYB=64 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
 Comment:  2D Sedov explosion, from t=0 with sim_rInit = 3.5dx_min
 FLASH Units used:
bndpriorityone              =          1
bndprioritythree            =          3
bndprioritytwo              =          2
checkpointfileintervalstep  =          1 [CHANGED]
checkpointfilenumber        =          0
dr_abortpause               =          2
drift_break_inst            =          0
drift_trunc_mantissa        =          2
drift_verbose_inst          =          0
eos_entrelescalechoice      =          6
fileformatversion           =          9
forcedplotfilenumber        =          0
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20      =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8       =         -1
gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9       =         -1
gr_pmrpdivergencefree       =          1
gr_pmrpifaceoff             =          0
gr_pmrpl2p5d                =         -1
gr_pmrpmaxblocks            =         -1
gr_pmrpmflags               =          1
gr_pmrpnboundaries          =          4
gr_pmrpndim                 =          2
gr_pmrpnedgevar1            =         -1
gr_pmrpnfacevar             =         -1
gr_pmrpnfielddivf           =         -1
gr_pmrpnfluxvar             =         -1
gr_pmrpnguard               =         -1
gr_pmrpnguardwork           =         -1
gr_pmrpnvar                 =         -1
gr_pmrpnvarwork             =          1
gr_pmrpnvarcorn             =          0
gr_pmrpnvaredge             =          0
gr_pmrpnxb                  =         -1
gr_pmrpnyb                  =         -1
gr_pmrpnzb                  =          1
gr_restrictallmethod        =          3
gr_sanitizedatamode         =          1
gr_sanitizeverbosity        =          5
iprocs                      =          1
igodu                       =          0
interpol_order              =          2
iplm                        =          0
irenorm                     =          0
jprocs                      =          1
kprocs                      =          1
lrefine_del                 =          0
lrefine_max                 =          6 [CHANGED]
lrefine_min                 =          1
lrefine_min_init            =          1
max_particles_per_blk       =        100
memory_stat_freq            =     100000
meshcopycount               =          1
min_particles_per_blk       =          1
nbegin                      =          1
nblockx                     =          1
nblocky                     =          1
nblockz                     =          1
nend                        =          6 [CHANGED]
nrefs                       =          2
nriem                       =         10
nsteptotalsts               =          5
outputsplitnum              =          1
plotfileintervalstep        =          1 [CHANGED]
plotfilenumber              =          0
ppmeintcompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmeintfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmenercompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
ppmenerfluxconstructionmeth =          0
refine_var_count            =          4
rolling_checkpoint          =      10000
sim_nsubzones               =          7
sweeporder                  =        123
wr_integrals_freq           =          1
cfl                         =                 0.800E+00
checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.100E+01
checkpointfileintervalz     =                 0.180+309
cvisc                       =                 0.100E+00
derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_3           =                 0.200E+00
derefine_cutoff_4           =                 0.200E+00
dp_sh                       =                 0.330E+00
dp_sh_md                    =                 0.330E+00
dr_tstepslowstartfactor     =                 0.100E+00
dtinit                      =                 0.100E-09
dtmax                       =                 0.250E-04 [CHANGED]
dtmin                       =                 0.250E-04 [CHANGED]
eintswitch                  =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
eos_singlespeciesa          =                 0.100E+01
eos_singlespeciesz          =                 0.100E+01
epsiln                      =                 0.330E+00
gamma                       =                 0.140E+01 [CHANGED]
gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase     =                 0.100E+02
gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact  =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtref        =                 0.000E+00
gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale   =                 0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_1            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_10           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_11           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_12           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_13           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_14           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_15           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_16           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_17           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_18           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_19           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_2            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_20           =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_3            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_4            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_5            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_6            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_7            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_8            =                -0.100E+01
gr_lrefmaxtime_9            =                -0.100E+01
nusts                       =                 0.100E+00
omg1                        =                 0.750E+00
omg2                        =                 0.100E+02
plotfileintervaltime        =                 0.100E+01
plotfileintervalz           =                 0.180+309
refine_cutoff_1             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_2             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_3             =                 0.800E+00
refine_cutoff_4             =                 0.800E+00
refine_filter_1             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_2             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_3             =                 0.100E-01
refine_filter_4             =                 0.100E-01
rieman_tol                  =                 0.100E-04
rss_limit                   =                -0.100E+01
sim_expenergy               =                 0.100E+01
sim_pambient                =                 0.100E-04
sim_rinit                   =                 0.137E-01 [CHANGED]
sim_rhoambient              =                 0.100E+01
sim_xctr                    =                 0.500E+00
sim_yctr                    =                 0.500E+00
sim_zctr                    =                 0.500E+00
small                       =                 0.100E-09
smalle                      =                 0.100E-09
smallp                      =                 0.100E-09
smallt                      =                 0.100E-09
smallu                      =                 0.100E-09
smallx                      =                 0.100E-09
smlrho                      =                 0.100E-09
tinitial                    =                 0.000E+00
tmax                        =                 0.500E-01 [CHANGED]
tstep_change_factor         =                 0.200E+01
vgrid                       =                 0.000E+00
wall_clock_checkpoint       =                 0.432E+05
wall_clock_time_limit       =                 0.605E+06
x_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
xmax                        =                 0.100E+01
xmin                        =                 0.000E+00
y_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
ymax                        =                 0.100E+01
ymin                        =                 0.000E+00
zfinal                      =                 0.000E+00
zinitial                    =                -0.100E+01
z_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
zmax                        =                 0.100E+01
zmin                        =                 0.000E+00
unitsystem                  = none                          
basenm                      = sedov_2d_6lev_                 [CHANGED]
eosmode                     = dens_ie                       
eosmodeinit                 = dens_ie                       
geometry                    = cartesian                     
gr_pmrpoutputdir            = ./                            
grav_boundary_type          = isolated                      
hy_eosmodeafter             = dens_ie                       
hy_fluxrepresentation       = fluxes                        
log_file                    = sedov_2d_6lev.log              [CHANGED]
output_directory            =                               
pc_unitsbase                = CGS                           
plot_grid_var_1             = none                          
plot_grid_var_10            = none                          
plot_grid_var_11            = none                          
plot_grid_var_12            = none                          
plot_grid_var_2             = none                          
plot_grid_var_3             = none                          
plot_grid_var_4             = none                          
plot_grid_var_5             = none                          
plot_grid_var_6             = none                          
plot_grid_var_7             = none                          
plot_grid_var_8             = none                          
plot_grid_var_9             = none                          
plot_var_1                  = dens                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_10                 = none                          
plot_var_11                 = none                          
plot_var_12                 = none                          
plot_var_2                  = pres                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_3                  = temp                           [CHANGED]
plot_var_4                  = none                          
plot_var_5                  = none                          
plot_var_6                  = none                          
plot_var_7                  = none                          
plot_var_8                  = none                          
plot_var_9                  = none                          
prof_file                   = profile.dat                   
refine_var_1                = dens                           [CHANGED]
refine_var_2                = pres                           [CHANGED]
refine_var_3                = none                          
refine_var_4                = none                          
run_comment                 = 2D Sedov explosion, from t=0 w [CHANGED]
run_number                  = 1                             
stats_file                  = flash.dat                     
xl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
xr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
yl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
yr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
zl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
zr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
allowdtstsdominate          =  F
alwayscomputeuservars       =  T
alwaysrestrictcheckpoint    =  T
bytepack                    =  F
charlimiting                =  T
chkguardcellsinput          =  F
chkguardcellsoutput         =  F
converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  T
corners                     =  F
dr_printtsteploc            =  T
dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax =  F
drift_tuples                =  F
eachprocwritesownabortlog   =  F
eachprocwritessummary       =  F
earlyblockdistadjustment    =  T
enablemaskedgcfill          =  F
flux_correct                =  T
geometryoverride            =  F
gr_bcenableapplymixedgds    =  T
gr_lrefinemaxbytime         =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr    =  F
gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime    =  F
gr_pmrpadvancealllevels     =  F
gr_pmrpamrerrorchecking     =  F
gr_pmrpcartesianpm          =  F
gr_pmrpconserve             =  F
gr_pmrpconsvfluxdensities   =  T
gr_pmrpconsvfluxes          =  F
gr_pmrpcurvilinear          =  F
gr_pmrpcurvilinearconserve  =  F
gr_pmrpcylindricalpm        =  F
gr_pmrpdiagonals            =  T
gr_pmrpedgevalue            =  T
gr_pmrpedgevalueinteg       =  F
gr_pmrpemptycells           =  F
gr_pmrpforceconsistency     =  T
gr_pmrplsingularline        =  F
gr_pmrpnopermanentguardcells =  F
gr_pmrppolarpm              =  F
gr_pmrppredcorr             =  F
gr_pmrpsphericalpm          =  F
gr_pmrptimingmpi            =  F
gr_pmrptimingmpix           =  F
gr_pmrpvardt                =  F
hybrid_riemann              =  F
ignoreforcedplot            =  F
io_writemscalarintegrals    =  F
leveque                     =  F
plotfilegridquantitydp      =  F
plotfilemetadatadp          =  F
ppm_modifystates            =  F
reducegcellfills            =  F
refine_on_particle_count    =  F
restart                     =  F
summaryoutputonly           =  F
threadblocklistbuild        =  F
threaddelepblocklist        =  F
threaddelepwithinblock      =  F
threaddriverblocklist       =  F
threaddriverwithinblock     =  F
threadeoswithinblock        =  F
threadhydroblocklist        =  F
threadhydrowithinblock      =  F
threadraytracebuild         =  F
threadwithinblockbuild      =  F
typematchedxfer             =  T
unbiased_geometry           =  F
updatehydrofluxes           =  T
useburn                     =  F
usecollectivehdf5           =  T
useconductivity             =  F
usecool                     =  F
usecosmology                =  F
usedeleptonize              =  F
usediffuse                  =  F
useenergydeposition         =  F
useflame                    =  F
usegravity                  =  F
useheat                     =  F
useheatexchange             =  F
usehydro                    =  T
useionize                   =  F
uselegacylabels             =  T
usemagneticresistivity      =  F
usemassdiffusivity          =  F
useopacity                  =  F
useparticles                =  F
usepolytrope                =  F
useprimordialchemistry      =  F
useradtrans                 =  F
usests                      =  F
usestsfordiffusion          =  F
usestir                     =  F
usetreecol                  =  F
useturb                     =  T
useviscosity                =  F
use_cma_advection           =  F
use_cma_flattening          =  F
use_cma_steepening          =  F
use_steepening              =  T
writestatsummary            =  T
 WARNING: Ignored Parameters :
 These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were
 not declared in any Config file for the simulation!
 Known units of measurement:
              Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
  1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
  2                   s                     1.0000                            s
  3                   g                     1.0000                            g
  4                   K                     1.0000                            K
  5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
  6                 mol                     1.0000                          mol
  7                   m                     100.00                           cm
  8                  km                    1.00000E+05                       cm
  9                  pc                    3.08568E+18                       cm
 10                 kpc                    3.08568E+21                       cm
 11                 Mpc                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 12                 Gpc                    3.08568E+27                       cm
 13                Rsun                    6.96000E+10                       cm
 14                  AU                    1.49598E+13                       cm
 15                  yr                    3.15569E+07                        s
 16                 Myr                    3.15569E+13                        s
 17                 Gyr                    3.15569E+16                        s
 18                  kg                     1000.0                            g
 19                Msun                    1.98892E+33                        g
 20                 amu                    1.66054E-24                        g
 21                  eV                     11605.                            K
 22                   C                    2.99792E+09                      esu
 23                LFLY                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 24                TFLY                    2.05759E+17                        s
 25                MFLY                    9.88470E+45                        g
 26            clLength                    3.08568E+24                       cm
 27              clTime                    3.15569E+16                        s
 28              clMass                    1.98892E+48                        g
 29              clTemp                    1.16044E+07                        K
-----------End of Units--------------------
 Known physical constants:
    Constant Name       Constant Value   cm       s        g        K        esu      mol
  1              Newton    6.67428E-08   3.0     -2.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  2      speed of light    2.99792E+10   1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  3              Planck    6.62607E-27   2.0     -1.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  4     electron charge    4.80320E-10   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0    
  5       electron mass    9.10938E-28   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  6         proton mass    1.67262E-24   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  7      fine-structure    7.29735E-03   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
  8            Avogadro    6.02214E+23   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     -1.0    
  9           Boltzmann    1.38065E-16   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0    
 10  ideal gas constant    8.31447E+07   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0     -1.0    
 11                Wien    0.28978       1.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0    
 12    Stefan-Boltzmann    5.67040E-05   0.0     -3.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 13  Radiation Constant    7.56577E-15  -1.0     -2.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
 14                  pi     3.1416       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 15                   e     2.7183       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 16               Euler    0.57722       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
 Multifluid database: not configured in
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.781 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.781 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.784 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.784 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 1
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0    max blks 1    tot blks 1
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0    max leaf blks 1    tot leaf blks 1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.785 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.787 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=1, create level=2
 INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.833 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=1, buffer_dim_recv=1
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.835 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.835 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 5
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 1    max blks 2    tot blks 5
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 1    max leaf blks 1    tot leaf blks 4
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.836 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.837 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=2, create level=3
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.886 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=128629, buffer_dim_recv=5515
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.892 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.892 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 21
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 5    max blks 6    tot blks 21
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 4    max leaf blks 4    tot leaf blks 16
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.893 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:54.894 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=3, create level=4
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.057 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=139419, buffer_dim_recv=16305
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.068 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.068 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 37
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 9    max blks 10    tot blks 37
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 7    max leaf blks 7    tot leaf blks 28
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.070 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.071 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=4, create level=5
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.313 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=150209, buffer_dim_recv=27095
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.327 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.327 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 53
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 13    max blks 14    tot blks 53
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 10    max leaf blks 10    tot leaf blks 40
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.329 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.329 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=5, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.546 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=160999, buffer_dim_recv=37885
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.566 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.566 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 69
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 17    max blks 18    tot blks 69
 [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 13    max leaf blks 13    tot leaf blks 52
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.568 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.569 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=6, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.849 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=171789, buffer_dim_recv=48675
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:55.876 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=7, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.183 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=8, create level=6
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.451 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.451 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.94 (min)        103.50 (max)        102.40 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.452 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.452 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.97 (min)        103.54 (max)        102.44 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.454 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      543.27 (min)        544.58 (max)        543.66 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.454 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      101.98 (min)        103.54 (max)        102.45 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.480 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.597 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.599 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.628 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0000
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.628 ] memory: /proc vsize    (MB):      568.47 (min)        568.73 (max)        568.60 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.628 ] memory: /proc rss      (MB):      103.71 (min)        105.14 (max)        104.14 (avg)
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.628 ] [Driver_evolveFlash]: Entering evolution loop
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:56.628 ] step: n=1 t=0.000000E+00 dt=1.000000E-10
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:57.244 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:57.274 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:57.282 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:57.397 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0001
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:57.397 ] step: n=2 t=2.000000E-10 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.015 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.045 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.105 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.220 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0002
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.220 ] step: n=3 t=5.000020E-05 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.839 ] [IO_writePlotfile] open: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.868 ] [IO_writePlotfile] close: type=plotfile name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_plt_cnt_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.876 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] open: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.990 ] [IO_writeCheckpoint] close: type=checkpoint name=sedov_2d_6lev_ncmpi_chk_0003
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:58.991 ] step: n=4 t=1.000002E-04 dt=2.500000E-05
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:59.579 ] [DRIVER_ABORT]: Driver_abort() called by PE           0
 [ 03-01-2016  09:40:59.579 ] abort_message: Nonconvergence in subroutine rieman
-------------- next part --------------
# Runtime parameters for the Sedov explosion problem.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# This parameter file is designed to be used for I/O
# benchmarks and not science.  It is based upon test_paramesh_2d.par.  
# It will cause FLASH to run 4 time steps and output 
# a checkpoint file and plot file each and every time step.
# Setup lines:
# ./setup Sedov -auto +pm4dev -maxblocks=200 -2d -nxb=16 -nyb=16 
# --with-unit=IO/IOMain/pnetcdf/PM_argonne -parfile=sedov_io_69b_2d.par
# -objdir=flash_pnet
# ./setup Sedov -auto +pm4dev -maxblocks=200 -2d -nxb=16 -nyb=16
# --with-unit=IO/IOMain/hdf5/parallel/PM_argonne -parfile=sedov_io_69b_2d.par
#  -objdir=flash_hdf5
# Tunable I/O parameters:
# Parameter name         Library          Valid values
# fileFormatVersion      HDF5 & Pnetcdf   9, 10
# useCollectiveHDF5      HDF5             .true., .false.
# packMeshPlotWriteHDF5  HDF5             .true., .false.
# packMeshChkWriteHDF5   HDF5             .true., .false.
# packMeshChkReadHDF5    HDF5             .true., .false.
# asyncMeshPlotWritePnet Pnetcdf          .true., .false.
# asyncMeshChkWritePnet  Pnetcdf          .true., .false.
# asyncMeshChkReadPnet   Pnetcdf          .true., .false.
# fileFormat version 9 indicates standard FLASH I/O format where each
# mesh variable (e.g. dens, pres) is written to a separate dataset in
# the output file.  fileFormat version 10 indicates all mesh variables
# are written to the same dataset in the output file.
# useCollectiveHDF5 is a switch for independent or collective HDF5.
# packMeshPlotWriteHDF5, packMeshChkWriteHDF5, packMeshChkReadHDF5 are
# used to pack mesh data into a new buffer using the mesh MPI datatypes
# with the MPI_Pack and MPI_Unpack functions.  It is a useful option 
# for plotfiles where a type conversion (double precision in memory to  
# single precision in file) prevents HDF5 collective I/O optimizations.
# I would expect that the only useful parameter is packMeshPlotWriteHDF5,
# the other parameters, packMeshChkWriteHDF5 and packMeshChkReadHDF5
# are only provided for completeness.
# asyncMeshPlotWritePnet, asyncMeshChkWritePnet, asyncMeshChkReadPnet
# are used to replace ncmpi_put_vara_all, ncmpi_get_vara_all library
# calls with ncmpi_iput_vara, ncmpi_iget_vara.  I would expect it is
# most useful when used in conjunction with fileFormatVersion = 9 as
# here the N mesh variables (and so N library calls) are transferred
# asynchronously.

fileFormatVersion = 9

useCollectiveHDF5 = .true.
packMeshPlotWriteHDF5 = .false.
packMeshChkWriteHDF5 = .false.
packMeshChkReadHDF5 = .false.

asyncMeshPlotWritePnet = .false.
asyncMeshChkWritePnet = .false.
asyncMeshChkReadPnet = .false.
eachProcWritesSummary = .false.

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#	Parameters for initial model

#		Ambient pressure and density, explosion energy, initial
#		radius of perturbation, and location of explosion center

sim_pAmbient	= 1.E-5
sim_rhoAmbient	= 1.
sim_expEnergy	= 1.
sim_rInit		= 0.013671875
sim_xctr		= 0.5
sim_yctr		= 0.5
sim_zctr		= 0.5

#		Gas ratio of specific heats

gamma           = 1.4

#		Size of computational volume

xmin		= 0.
xmax		= 1.
ymin		= 0.
ymax		= 1.
zmin		= 0.
zmax		= 1.

#		Boundary conditions

xl_boundary_type      = "outflow"
xr_boundary_type      = "outflow"
yl_boundary_type      = "outflow"
yr_boundary_type      = "outflow"
zl_boundary_type      = "outflow"
zr_boundary_type      = "outflow"

#	Simulation (grid, time, I/O) parameters

cfl		= 0.8
lrefine_max     = 6
refine_var_1    = "dens"
refine_var_2    = "pres"
basenm          = "sedov_2d_6lev_"
restart         = .false.
checkpointFileIntervalStep = 1
plotFileIntervalStep = 1
particleFileIntervalStep = 1
plot_var_1      = "dens"
plot_var_2      = "pres"
plot_var_3      = "temp"
nend            = 6
tmax            = 0.05

dtmin		= 2.5D-5
dtmax		= 2.5D-5

run_comment     = "2D Sedov explosion, from t=0 with sim_rInit = 3.5dx_min"
log_file        = "sedov_2d_6lev.log"
eintSwitch     = 1.e-4

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