[FLASH-USERS] Dirichlet boundary condition

Mercadier, Laurent laurent.mercadier at mpsd.mpg.de
Mon May 9 14:27:48 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I am a beginner and I am trying to solve the ConductionDelta problem and I would like to have a fixed temperature boundary condition (Dirichlet).

I modified the ConductionDelta example with a point source in 3D to have fixed density and pressure at the boundaries, by following the implementation in 1) WindTunnel and 2) ShuOsher examples, but was so far unsuccessful.
I also tried to use 'dirichlet' boundary conditions but I don't know how to set the boundary temperature, and I get WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=-0.37799999999E-2

Any help would be appreciated

Best regards,
Laurent Mercadier
Laurent Mercadier, Post-doc

Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD)
Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) at DESY
Notkestrasse 85, Bldg. 99 Rm O2.11
22607 Hamburg, Germany
Email: laurent.mercadier at mpsd.mpg.de<mailto:laurent.mercadier at mpsd.mpg.de>
Phone: +49 40 8998 6271

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