[FLASH-USERS] Problem with pressure matching in HEDP simulation (Steffen Sander)

phani sri phanisri123 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 07:33:56 EDT 2016

Hello Stefan Snader,
I am PhaniSri and even I am also new to FLASH, you said you are trying to
simulate Laser Slab, while compiling the Laser Slab problem with the
+hdf5typeio in the setup line, I got an error while executing the flash4,
where it is showing an error that "./flash4: undefined
symbol:H5Pset_fapl_mpio", do you have any idea regarding this.

Hello all,
> I'm relatively new in using the FLASH code and am trying to set up a
> simulation comparable to the Laser Slab example.
> However, when changing the material properties, the different regions
> start to rarefy at their respective borders. This is probably due to the
> high pressure difference between the thin gas (vacuum) and the target
> region.
> Does anybody has experience on modifying the initial conditions such
> that the pressure is better matched. Alternatively, is it possible to
> toggle material mixing or general hydro processes with a temperature
> switch, i.e. defining a lower limit for which the material is kept at
> initial conditions?
> Thank you!
> Steffen Sander
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2016 08:42:25 -0500
> From: Anshu Dubey <dubey at flash.uchicago.edu>
> Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] Two issues (PLUTO and Chombo)
> To: David Melon Fuksman <dmelonf at gmail.com>
> Cc: flash <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
> Message-ID:
>         <CAJGMwUFFBM6nf-2AHHtFvWv55SO+amwdySzizPx5SnX2NaTLwA at mail.
> gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> The module in FLASH was contributed by Andrea Mignone, the author of Pluto.
> The module is FLASH is several years old, and it is very likely that Andrea
> has been updating the implementation in Pluto. That is why it would be
> better to use Pluto. Also, FLASH+Chombo has limited capability, many of
> FLASH modules do not interoperate with Chombo, whereas Pluto uses Chombo
> for AMR. So overall Pluto seems like a better option for you.
> Best,
> Anshu
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 8:33 AM, David Melon Fuksman <dmelonf at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > I am beginning to use FLASH to do RHD simulations for my PhD in physics.
> I
> > would like to bring two questions regarding different subjects.
> >
> > The first one is a little strange, about a file called Config in the
> > directory FLASH4.3/source/physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/RHD. At the 3rd
> > line, it says "*# DWL: PLUTO would be  a better choice for doing
> > Relativistic Hydro than FLASH.*" Does anyone know the source of that
> > line? In any case, if that is so, I would be interested in knowing the
> > reasons for such a claim!
> >
> > The second one is regarding the use of FLASH+Chombo. Has anyone tried
> > using Chombo and would like to tell me how did it go? Because I am having
> > some troubles compiling its libraries, and I think it is due to a problem
> > in the paths indicated in the makefiles that I'm not being able to fix. I
> > apologize for bringing this issue here, but I am getting no answer from
> the
> > Chombo developers, and maybe someone in this list had similar problems.
> >
> > Thank you very much for your attention,
> >
> > David Melon Fuksman
> > Sapienza Universit? di Roma
> >
> --
> ********************************************************
> Anshu Dubey
> 630 252 3313 (work)
> 312 420 0033 (mobile)
> Argonne National Laboratory
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D. P. S. L. Kameswari,
Ph. D(Physics)
University Of Hyderabad,
e-mail:phanisri123 at gmail.com <id%3Aphanisri123 at gmail.com>
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