[FLASH-USERS] FLASH Capabilities

Ernesto Zurbriggen ernesto at mail.oac.uncor.edu
Mon Sep 19 14:22:55 EDT 2016

Hi all!
I can support what Jon said with respect to Marissa's first question.
I developed an implementation to add anisotropic thermal conduction to  
flash. I took a shortcut and I explicitly added it inside the total  
energy flux in the Hydro unit. It works well but its stability imposes  
a strong constrain to the time-step.
An alternative way is to uncouple the heat conduction equation and the  
Hydro. In this case one may use an implicit algorithm, for example  
feed the HYPRE libraries in the Diffuse_solveScalar.F90 routine. This  
last point isn't straightforward.

Best, Ernesto.

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