[FLASH-USERS] Question on direct initial placement of passive particles

Marissa Adams madams at pas.rochester.edu
Fri Jan 6 14:37:03 EST 2017

Hi all,

So I have been able to place passive particles in my simulations uniformly
in the box, or for some initial *pt_initialXmin*, *pt_initialXmax*, etc. in
the *flash.par* file. I am wondering if someone can tell me where in the
source/ I could code in the initial placement of particles for my problem
module (hard coded in is fine). Say I wanted them in a circle, or for some
particular geometry that is not limited by the singular conditions for X,
Y, Z in the .par file as described above.

Sorry for all the e-mails recently!

Marissa Adams                                 E-mail:
madams at pas.rochester.edu
PhD Student                                   Ph: (585) 402-5779
University of Rochester                       Website:
Department of Physics & Astronomy
108 Bausch & Lomb Hall
P.O. Box 270171
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