[FLASH-USERS] Problem with HYPRE library

ascenzi stefano.ascenzi at roma2.infn.it
Fri Oct 27 10:53:31 EDT 2017

Dear Klaus,

I checked again the HYPRE makefile.config and I noticed that the fortran 
compiler was different from that used by FLASH. I installed again HYPRE 
with the following configuration

./configure --prefix= /usr/local/Hypre   

Now the compilers are the same used by FLASH. However it did not solve 
the problem since I obtain the same error message.

As regards my system I have macOS Sierra version 10.12.3. while the 
compilers mpicc, mpicxx, mpif90 are those in MPICH 3.2.

Thank you for your help,


Il 2017-10-27 04:09 Klaus Weide ha scritto:
> On Thu, 26 Oct 2017, ascenzi wrote:
>> Dear Klaus,
>> The version of HYPRE is 2.11 (while the version of FLASH is FLASH4.4)
>> The content of the directory /usr/local/Hypre/lib is the file 
>> libHYPRE.a and
>> nothing else.
>> I have also the line that you mentioned in my makefile.h:
>> FFLAGS_HYPRE = -I ${HYPRE_PATH}/include
>> As concerns the HYPRE configuration I am not sure, but in the 
>> configure file i
>> see
>> enable-fortan and a comment says that the default value is yes.
>> Moreover in the config.log file I see
>> Configured with: ../gcc-6.3.0/configure --enable-languages=c++,fortran
>> so I think that fortran is enabled.
> Stefano,
> All that seems pretty normal, I don't see anything obviously wrong.
> I think the most likely source of your problem is that you have several
> compilers on your system, and the way you are compiling FLASH is 
> somehow
> incompatible with the way you have compiled the HYPRE source.
> As an example, here is how I have configured a version of HYPRE to work
> with FLASH on one specific Ubuntu machine:
>  $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/hypre/intel/2.11.0 \
>    CC=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpicc \
>    CXX=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpicxx \
>    F77=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpif77 --enable-fortran \
>    --with-blas-lib-dirs=/usr/lib --with-blas-libs=libblas.a --with-blas 
> \
>    --with-lapack --disable-global-partition
> Ovviously this is for a different compiler. Most of those flags are 
> likely
> not applicable in your case; the main point is that I specify the paths 
> to
> compilers (in this case the wrappers installed by MPI) in the CC=, 
> CXX+,
> and F77= arguments, and make sure that my Makefile.h for FLASH 
> specifies
> the same paths for C and Fortran compilers.
> If this does not help, perhaps someone on the list can provide more 
> help
> if you let us know more about your system (OS, compiler versions, 
> etc.).
> Klaus

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