[FLASH-USERS] Simulation domain (sedov)

Ian Padilla ia6400pa-s at student.lu.se
Mon Apr 2 12:56:01 EDT 2018

Dear all, 

I’m running the sedov problem where the default computational domain is the unitary box (1,1,1). I’d like to expand the domain and look at physical quantities at longer times. I tried naively to change the size of the domain in the flash.par in FLASH4.5/Source/Simulation/SimulationMain/Sedov, but the simulation reaches the max SimTime really quickly skipping lots of calculations. Has to do with Grid_initDomain?

The setup was 

$ ./setup Sedov -auto -2d -maxblocks=2000

Then run 

$ mpirun -np 1 ./flash4

Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:
  lrefine          dx              dy
      1             0.125           0.125
      2             0.062           0.062
      3             0.031           0.031
      4             0.016           0.016
      5             0.008           0.008
      6             0.004           0.004
 MaterialProperties initialized
 Cosmology initialized
 Source terms initialized
 sim_rhoAmbient is   1.0000000000000000     
  iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
 refined: total leaf blocks =            1
 refined: total blocks =            1
 [amr_morton_process]: Initializing surr_blks using standard orrery implementation
 INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
  Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
 Ready to call Hydro_init
 Hydro initialized
 Gravity initialized
 Initial dt verified
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0000 ****
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****
 Initial plotfile written
 Driver init all done
       n          t         dt  (         x,          y,          z) |  dt_hydro 
       1 1.0000E-10 2.0000E-10  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       2 3.0000E-10 4.0000E-10  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       3 7.0000E-10 8.0000E-10  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       4 1.5000E-09 1.6000E-09  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       5 3.1000E-09 3.2000E-09  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       6 6.3000E-09 6.4000E-09  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       7 1.2700E-08 1.2800E-08  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       8 2.5500E-08 2.5600E-08  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
       9 5.1100E-08 5.1200E-08  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      10 1.0230E-07 1.0240E-07  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      11 2.0470E-07 2.0480E-07  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      12 4.0950E-07 4.0960E-07  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      13 8.1910E-07 8.1920E-07  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      14 1.6383E-06 1.6384E-06  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      15 3.2767E-06 3.2768E-06  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      16 6.5535E-06 6.5536E-06  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      17 1.3107E-05 1.3107E-05  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      18 2.6214E-05 2.6214E-05  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      19 5.2429E-05 5.2429E-05  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      20 1.0486E-04 1.0486E-04  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      21 2.0972E-04 2.0972E-04  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      22 4.1943E-04 4.1943E-04  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      23 8.3886E-04 8.3886E-04  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      24 1.6777E-03 1.6777E-03  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      25 3.3554E-03 3.3554E-03  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      26 6.7109E-03 6.7109E-03  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
      27 1.3422E-02 1.3422E-02  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0001 ****
      28 2.6844E-02 2.6844E-02  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0002 ****
      29 5.3687E-02 5.3687E-02  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0003 ****
      30 1.0737E-01 1.0737E-01  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0004 ****
      31 2.1475E-01 2.1475E-01  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0005 ****
      32 4.2950E-01 4.2950E-01  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0006 ****
      33 8.5899E-01 8.5899E-01  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0007 ****
      34 1.7180E+00 1.7180E+00  ( 6.250E-02,  6.250E-02,   0.00    ) |  2.673E+01
 *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0008 ****
 exiting: reached max SimTime
 *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_forced_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****

Thanks in advance,

Ian Padilla
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