[FLASH-USERS] Simulation domain (sedov)

Dean Townsley Dean.M.Townsley at ua.edu
Fri Apr 6 11:49:20 EDT 2018

Hi Ian,

You may have figured this out, but just to add to what I think Klaus is 
getting at:

Often when you try to make the domain bigger it turns out that the 
lowest-resolution grid no longer resolves a localized initial condition 
well enough for the refinement to trigger in the initial state.  So you 
don't get the proper initial state.  An easy way to fix this is to 
change lrefine_min.  So, for example, if you double the linear size of 
the domain, by adding lrefine_min=2 to your parameter file, the base 
grid cell size is the same when the simulation starts constructing the 
initial condition.

Maybe that helps,


On 04/06/2018 12:49 AM, Klaus Weide wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2018, Ian Padilla wrote:
>> You’re right, there's only one block and this needs to be fixed. I see there’s a lrefine_max parameter but not a lrefine_min, in the flash.par file.   Where do I find it?
> See the generated file default.par for a list of all runtime parameters
> understood by a configuration.
> See the generated file setup_params for a commented list.
> Please see the User's Guide for more information.
> Klaus

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